Incubation Engineering Department Performance Indicators

Executive Summary

KPI Health Status
SEG Category Maturity Okay
  • New metric
Community Engagement Okay
  • New metric

Key Performance Indicators

SEG Category Maturity

Incubation Engineering Single-Engineer Groups aim to reach a Viable level of maturity for each of our areas of focus. We aim to accomplish this within 12 months of inception. This metric focuses on our ability to ship a product, not on the success or failure of usage, market share, or revenue based metrics.

Target: Category Maturity Scorecard of 3.14 Health:Okay

  • New metric

Community Engagement

To promote a culture of shipping, our goal is to engage the community with regular updates on our progress, in the form of web site content, video updates, or conference / speaking engagements.

Target: 3 per SEG per month (Blog Posts, Video Updates, Speaking Engagements) Health:Okay

  • New metric



Value Level Meaning
3 Okay The KPI is at an acceptable level compared to the threshold
2 Attention This is a blip, or we’re going to watch it, or we just need to enact a proven intervention
1 Problem We'll prioritize our efforts here
-1 Confidential Metric & metric health are confidential
0 Unknown Unknown

How pages like this work


The heart of pages like this are Performance Indicators data files which are YAML files. Each - denotes a dictionary of values for a new (K)PI. The current elements (or data properties) are:

Property Type Description
name Required String value of the name of the (K)PI. For Product PIs, product hierarchy should be separate from name by " - " (Ex. {Stage Name}:{Group Name} - {PI Type} - {PI Name}
base_path Required Relative path to the performance indicator page that this (K)PI should live on
definition Required refer to Parts of a KPI
parent Optional should be used when a (K)PI is a subset of another PI. For example, we might care about Hiring vs Plan at the company level. The child would be the division and department levels, which would have the parent flag.
target Required The target or cap for the (K)PI. Please use Unknown until we reach maturity level 2 if this is not yet defined. For GMAU, the target should be quarterly.
org Required the organizational grouping (Ex: Engineering Function or Development Department). For Product Sections, ensure you have the word section (Ex : Dev Section)
section Optional the product section (Ex: dev) as defined in sections.yml
stage Optional the product stage (Ex: release) as defined in stages.yml
group Optional the product group (Ex: progressive_delivery) as defined in stages.yml
category Optional the product group (Ex: feature_flags) as defined in categories.yml
is_key Required boolean value (true/false) that indicates if it is a (key) performance indicator
health Required indicates the (K)PI health and reasons as nested attributes. This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI.
health.level Optional indicates a value between 0 and 3 (inclusive) to represent the health of the (K)PI. This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI.
health.reasons Optional indicates the reasons behind the health level. This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI. Should be an array (indented lines starting with dashes) even if you only have one reason.
urls Optional list of urls associated with the (K)PI. Should be an array (indented lines starting with dashes) even if you only have one url
funnel Optional indicates there is a handbook link for a description of the funnel for this PI. Should be a URL
sisense_data Optional allows a Sisense dashboard to be embeded as part of the (K)PI using chart, dashboard, and embed as neseted attributes.
sisense_data.chart Optional indicates the numeric Sisense chart/widget ID. For example: 9090628
sisense_data.dashboard Optional indicates the numeric Sisense dashboard ID. For example: 634200
sisense_data.shared_dashboard Optional indicates the numeric Sisense shared_dashboard ID. For example: 185b8e19-a99e-4718-9aba-96cc5d3ea88b
sisense_data.embed Optional indicates the Sisense embed version. For example: v2
sisense_data_secondary Optional allows a second Sisense dashboard to be embeded. Same as sisense data
sisense_data_secondary.chart Optional Same as sisense_data.chart
sisense_data_secondary.dashboard Optional Same as sisense_data.dashboard
sisense_data_secondary.shared_dashboard Optional Same as sisense_data.shared_dashboard
sisense_data_secondary.embed Optional Same as sisense_data.embed
public Optional boolean flag that can be set to false where a (K)PI does not meet the public guidelines.
pi_type Optional indicates the Product PI type (Ex: AMAU, GMAU, SMAU, Group PPI)
product_analytics_type Optional indicates if the metric is available on SaaS, SM (self-managed), or Both.
is_primary Optional boolean flag that indicates if this is the Primary PI for the Product Group.
implementation Optional indicates the implementation status and reasons as nested attributes. This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI.
implementation.status Optional indicates the Implementation Status status. This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI.
implementation.reasons Optional indicates the reasons behind the implementation status. This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI. Should be an array (indented lines starting with dashes) even if you only have one reason.
lessons Optional indicates lessons learned from a K(PI) as a nested attribute. This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI.
lessons.learned Optional learned is an attribute that can be nested under lessonsand indicates lessons learned from a K(PI). This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI. Should be an array (indented lines starting with dashes) even if you only have one lesson learned
monthly_focus Optional indicates monthly focus goals from a K(PI) as a nested attribute. This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI.
monthly_focus.goals Optional indicates monthly focus goals from a K(PI). This should be updated monthly before Key Reviews by the DRI. Should be an array (indented lines starting with dashes) even if you only have one goal
metric_name Optional indicates the name of the metric in Self-Managed implemenation. The SaaS representation of the Self-Managed implementation should use the same name.