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GitLab Evangelist Program

Everyone can contribute.

Host an event

Bring the community together.

Do you host a DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, or other tech meetup in your hometown? We want to help you grow your community. GitLab provides a variety of support to community organizers from sponsoring events to providing speakers to sending swag.

Learn how GitLab supports tech community groups Find a GitLab Meetup near you

Find a speaker

Invite a GitLab speaker to your event.

Are you planning a tech event? We can help you find a great speaker. We have a global network of GitLab team-members and community members who want to share their experience and expertise with tech meetups and conferences.

Find a GitLab speaker

Get in touch

We want to hear from you.

If you have any questions about the evangelist program or suggestions on how we can make things better, please let us know. Our community team is here to help.

Send us an email
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