Product and Solution Marketing Asset Inventory

This page used to provide an inventory of assets created and maintained by the Product and Solution Marketing team. We have since updated the inventory so it includes all assets and it can now be found within Marketing Strategy & Performance

We have kept the following info specific to the Product and Solution Marketing team as it may assist them in determining how to enter into the Marketing inventory.

Which assets belong to Strategic — edge cases

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Things Product and Solution Marketing doesn’t own within GitLab, but contributes to

Product and Solution Marketing often makes significant contributions to assets that are owned by other GitLab teams. Examples include a product release post with a PMM messaging lead, or a Sales enablement resource that heavily relies on competitive research. This raises the question of whether certain assets “belong to” SM enough to be in our inventory. Our bias will be to include these assets.

If we can identify an “SM DRI” and we made significant contributions, we will inventory the asset. We will also take care to not misrepresent that we wholly created or own the asset.

Things GitLab doesn’t own or manage, but contributes to

Product and Solution Marketing also contributes to assets that are owned or managed by others outside of GitLab, such as a recording of us speaking at a conference, or a piece we wrote in an industry publication. When those assets live somewhere GitLab does not manage, we will try to make a GitLab-owned and managed copy of the asset for internal use. Our bias will be to include assets like these in this inventory, even without our own copy of them.

Things we just review and approve

We are interested in reviewing, vetting, and then including assets in the SM inventory even when our contributions are minimal or null, other than having reviewed and approved. Our motivations are first, to serve those searching for “everything related to X” and second, for this inventory to serve as a repository of high quality assets. As subject matter experts, SM team members are already, sometimes asked to review and approve of content or other assets. We want to multiply that value by inventorying what we’ve reviewed.

We celebrate that GitLab enables any team member, and in many cases even community members, to contribute on the company web site, Unfiltered blog, handbook, Unfiltered YouTube channel, and so on. Those are great examples of GitLab values and culture in action, and it’s indisputably generative. We also acknowledge, however that this can result in impedingly uneven asset quality, such as in tone, focus, or technical depth. As a result, it can be difficult for non-SMEs to know whether an asset they find is fit for reuse in contexts with higher quality requirements.

We do not, at this time have a process for ingesting, reviewing, or including assets like these. While we consider adding additional metadata and process, you might already find some in the inventory.