Mar 6, 2017 - Marcia Ramos    

We are changing the IP of GitLab Pages on

Websites hosted on with GitLab Pages with custom root domains need to update their DNS A record

GitLab Pages' IP on is changing from to!

Update: As of August 2018, as a result of the migration to Google Cloud Platform, the IP address for your Pages A record has changed to See our latest GitLab Pages Update post.

Learn which websites are affected by this change, which settings you'll have to update, and how much time you have to do it.

What is changing?

We are changing the IP address of GitLab Pages server on to

Which websites will be affected?

Only websites hosted with GitLab Pages on set up with a custom root domain, such as, which has a DNS A record pointing to, will be affected.

Which GitLab Pages websites will NOT be affected?

No other websites hosted with GitLab Pages will be affected, more specifically:

  • On-premise GitLab will not be affected.
  • websites with default Pages domains (* will not be affected.
  • websites with custom subdomains, like, set up with DNS CNAME records will not be affected.

What do I have to do?

If you have a DNS A record pointing your domain to, edit it to point to If you cannot edit it, delete it and create a new one.

When will the old IP be deactivated?

31 March 2017 at 23:59h UTC.

Can I change the DNS A record right now?

Yes, and we ask you to do so as soon as possible. Currently we have both IPs working but from 1 April 2017 only the new IP address will work.

What happens if I don't do anything?

If you have a website hosted with GitLab Pages on set up with a custom root domain and don't update your DNS A record by the deadline, your website will be inaccessible from 1 April 2017.

Why is this happening?

Due to recent infrastructure improvements a number of IP addresses, including the one used for GitLab Pages, had to change.


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