Blog Engineering How you can send your logs ballistically using UDP
Published on: December 8, 2014
2 min read

How you can send your logs ballistically using UDP

With GitLab Enterprise Edition 7.1 and up Omnibus packages, we introduced UDP log shipping.

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The last thing you want to happen is having problems on your server due to your logs. You need them to debug problems, not cause them. With large GitLab instances, it's a great idea to ship your logs to a separate server. This way, they are easier to manage and you don't need to worry about space. But by using TCP to send the logs you risk a connection failure and subsequent problems with your instance.

Therefore, with GitLab Enterprise Edition (7.1 and up) Omnibus packages, we introduced UDP log shipping. As opposed to TCP, UDP doesn't care about whether packets get received, it keeps sending them in a non-blocking, fire-and-forget manner. That makes UDP really fast, lightweight and if you log server crashes, it won't affect your GitLab instance. UDP doesn't care.

Setting up UDP log shipping

UDP log shipping is very easy to set up. You simply add the following lines to /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:

logging['udp_log_shipping_host'] = '' # Your syslog server
logging['udp_log_shipping_port'] = 1514 # Optional, defaults to 514 (syslog)

And run sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure. Now your logs will be shipped speedily to!

An example of what your syslog server will receive:

<13>Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test production.log: Started GET "/root/my-project/import" for at 2014-06-26 06:33:46 -0700
<13>Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test production.log: Processing by ProjectsController#import as HTML
<13>Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test production.log: Parameters: {"id"=>"root/my-project"}
<13>Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test production.log: Completed 200 OK in 122ms (Views: 71.9ms | ActiveRecord: 12.2ms)

How it works

The services of GitLab write log messages to logfiles (such as production.log) or to STDOUT. GitLab Omnibus packages use svlogd to log STDOUT to for instance sidekiq/current.

svlogd is great, as it allows us to ship these logs using UDP and even rotate them. However, it can't work with .log files. So in addition to svlogd, we make use of remote_syslog, which can work with .log files and allows us to ship the using UDP.

By using a single configuration option in the Omnibus package, as shown above, we were able to make UDP log shipping simple to set up and flexible enough to work with both .log files and STDOUT logging.

About GitLab

Want to start to use UDP log shipping? Check out GitLab Enterprise Edition. A subscription also includes support, deep LDAP integration, git hooks, Jenkins integration and many more powerful enterprise features.

You can try GitLab by downloading the Community Edition and installing it on your own server or by signing up to our free, unlimited GitLab instance

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