Blog Engineering Get Started with GitLab Pages
Published on: April 4, 2016
2 min read

Get Started with GitLab Pages

We've since added some great resources to help you get started with Gitlab Pages, including this handy quickstart guide.


With GitLab Pages you can host your static website for free. We added GitLab Pages in GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE) 8.3, and then added support for custom domains and TLS certificates in GitLab EE 8.5. We made this service freely available to users on, which is our hosted GitLab EE service, offering unlimited and free public or private projects.

We've since added some great resources to help you get started, including this handy quickstart guide.

What you need to know about GitLab Pages

  1. There are two kinds of Pages:
    • User or group Pages
    • Project Pages
  2. You can use any static site generator
  3. You can connect custom domains and TLS certificates to secure your domains
  4. The service is completely free as part of

New resources to learn how to use GitLab Pages

We added improved documentation to help you get your site set up.

We also added a group with a number of example GitLab Pages projects.

GitLab Pages example projects

You can easily get started with a Plain HTML site, but you can do much more. The range of examples show that GitLab can support any static site generator. You name the generator, you can build it with GitLab!

All of this is made possible with GitLab CI. If you'd like to know more, sign up for our webcast below!

Need some help to get started?

We'd love your feedback on our GitLab Pages Quick Start guide. If you have any questions you can submit them in the comments, or on the issue tracker for the GitLab Pages Quick Start Guide project.

Live webcast: GitLab CI

Sign up for our webcast on April 14th, which includes an overview and tutorial about using GitLab CI. Meet people from the GitLab CI team and get your questions answered live!

  • Date: Thursday, April 14, 2016
  • Time: 5pm (17:00) UTC; 12pm EST; 9am PST
  • Register here

Can't make it? Register anyway, and we'll send you a link to watch it later!

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