Blog Security How to tailor SAST and Secret Detection to your application context with custom rulesets
Published on: December 21, 2021
7 min read

How to tailor SAST and Secret Detection to your application context with custom rulesets

How you can use GitLab custom rulesets to customize security scanners to your needs.


GitLab is a complete DevSecOps platform and integrates a variety of different security analyzers for Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Secret Detection that help developers find vulnerabilities as early as possible in the software development lifecycle.

Since the tools GitLab integrates are very different in terms of their implementations and their technology stacks, SAST tools are wrapped in Docker images with sensible default configurations that target the majority of use-cases.

However, GitLab users and organizations may want to enhance the capabilities of the scanners they use by adding more detection rules or by eliminating findings that they identified as false positives based on their particular application context. GitLab users and organizations may opt to implement a more specialized configuration that meets the demands of their project. Organizations may wish to manage their own security configurations by hosting them in a dedicated Git repository. This will allow their teams to extend or replace GitLab's general use-case configuration.

Below you can find three common scenarios that demonstrate GitLab's custom-ruleset feature which has been introduced in GitLab 13.5 and extended in GitLab 14.6 by enabling users to tailor the behavior of SAST and Secret Detection analyzers to their organization’s preferences. You can find a complete documentation of this feature in the GitLab handbook.

Enhance Secret Detection

Imagine an organization with restrictive policies in place to protect against accidental commits that include secrets. One of their policies may include user accounts which start with a COMP_ prefix followed by an alphanumeric string, while another may detect 20-digits access tokens which are used to access internal servers.

We assume that the organization already includes the GitLab Secret Detection CI template in the .gitlab-ci.yml:

  - template: Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml

To enforce the company policies described above, we can create a configuration .gitlab/secret-detection-ruleset.toml:

  description = 'secrets custom rules configuration'

    type  = "file"
    target = "gitleaks.toml"
    value = "config/gitleaks.toml"

The configuration snippet below automatically loads the file config/gitleaks.toml and uses it as a configuration for Secret Detection. The contents of config/gitleaks.toml are displayed below.

title = "gitleaks config"

description = "Internal user account leaked"
regex = "COMP_[a-zA-Z0-9]+"

description = "Internal access token leaked"
regex = "[0-9]{20}"

The two rules displayed above formalize the policies of the organization by enabling Secret Detection to scan for secrets based on the policies laid out by the organization.

Eliminate False Positives

Imagine a GitLab user/developer that is working on a microservice implemented in Golang. The microservice is launched as a CLI tool where all configuration parameters are passed as CLI arguments. The developer is sure that these parameters are passed to the application as fixed strings so that, based on the contextual knowedge of the application, the developer would like to dismiss the two gosec rules:

  • G304: File path provided as taint input
  • G204: Audit use of command execution

We assume that the organization already includes the GitLab SAST CI template in the .gitlab-ci.yml:

  - template: SAST.gitlab-ci.yml

The configuration below if added to file .gitlab/sast-ruleset.toml disables the rules G304, G204 so that they are no longer reported.

    disable = true
      type = "gosec_rule_id"
      value = "G304"

    disable = true
      type = "gosec_rule_id"
      value = "G204"

User defined SAST configuration

Imagine an organization that would like to run its own SAST configuration on a monorepo that contains a mix of Go and Python code. The organization would like to run a configuration that is completely independent from rulesets shipped with GitLab and that incorporates rules from various sources:

  • Two Git repositories with some adjustments to the default rules.
  • Two files to be downloaded from known and trusted sources.

We assume that the organization already includes the GitLab SAST CI template in the .gitlab-ci.yml:

  - template: SAST.gitlab-ci.yml

For building a complete custom configuration, we rely on a passthrough chain. You can think of a passthrough as a single step that modifies the custom configuration. Passthroughs can be organized in chains where every passthrough is evaluated in a sequence to incrementally build the custom configuration. The final configuration is then passed to the target analyzer. Currently, we support the passthrough types listed in the table below.

Type Description
file Use a file that is already available in the Git repository.
raw Provide the configuration inline.
git Pull the configuration from a remote Git repository.
url Fetch the analyzer configuration from a given URL.

The configuration file below assembles a configuration under /sgrules by first pulling semgrep configuration from the two Git repositories semgrep-rules and semgrep-go, respectively. In the configuration, you can see several passthrough entries. The third raw passthrough is responsible for appending the string defined in the value field to joinpath.yml (that originates from one of the Git passthroughs). The fourth raw passthrough overwrites an existing file to change its behaviour. The last two url passthroughs download Python rules from the specified URLs and add them to the custom configuration as xml.yml and marshal.yml. More details are provided as comments in the YAML configuration.

The final customized configuration under /sgrules is then passed to semgrep and the corresponding results are stored and can be acted upon as usual using the GitLab Vulnerability Report.

  description = 'semgrep custom rules configuration'
  # targetdir where the custom configuration is assembled
  targetdir = "/sgrules"
  # Automatically check the validity of the files after applying file, url or
  # raw passthroughs.
  # Appropriate validator is inferred based on the file extension.
  validate = true

    type  = "git"
    value = ""
    # we are cloning the main branch
    ref = "refs/heads/main"
    # we are only interested in the rules below the go subdirectory
    subdir = "go"

    type  = "git"
    value = ""
    # specify the reference to be used
    ref = "b14e2f07411c22cadaab3a5d7df2346a99e7b36d"

    type  = "raw"
    # appending to an existing file
    mode  = "append"
    target = "joinpath.yml"
    value = """
  - id: join-path-addition
           - pattern-either:
                        - pattern: strings.Join(..., "////")
    message: "would you like to use filepath.Join()?"
    languages: [go]
    severity: ERROR

    type  = "raw"
    # overwriting existing file
    mode  = "overwrite"
    target = "nilerr.yml"
    value = """
  - id: return-nil-modified
        - pattern-either:
              - pattern: |
                      if err == nil {
                              return err
    message: "return nil, err"
    languages: [go]
    severity: ERROR

    type  = "url"
    value = ""
    target = "xml.yml"

    type  = "url"
    value = ""
    target = "marshal.yml"

This post illustrated how you can adapt security analysis to your particular application context using custom rulesets. More detailed documentation is available in the GitLab Handbook.

Cover Image by Barn Images on Unsplash

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