GitLab Features
Fundamentally changing the way Development, Security, and Ops teams collaborate and build software - GitLab provides all of the essential DevSecOps tools in one DevSecOps platform. From idea to production, GitLab helps teams improve cycle time from weeks to minutes, reduce development costs, speed time to market, and deliver more secure and compliant applications.
Regardless of your process, GitLab provides powerful planning tools to keep everyone synchronized.
GitLab enables portfolio planning and management through epics, groups (programs) and milestones to organize and track progress. Regardless of your methodology from Waterfall to DevSecOps, GitLab’s simple and flexible approach to planning meets the needs of small teams to large enterprises. GitLab helps teams organize, plan, align and track project work to ensure teams are working on the right things at the right time and maintain end to end visibility and traceability of issues throughout the delivery lifecycle from idea to production.
Team Planning
A wide range of flexible planning features allow you to plan, organize, and track team progress in the platform where you create software.
Team Planning
![image for Issues](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
Quickly set the status, assignee or milestone for multiple issues at the same time or easily filter them on any properties. See milestones and issues across projects.
Team Planning
![image for Tasks](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
Tasks provide a robust way to refine an issue into smaller, discrete work units.
Team Planning
![image for Description Templates](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
Description Templates
By adding a description template to your issues or merge requests, users who create a new issue or merge request can select a template to help them to communicate effectively.
Team Planning
![image for Check Lists](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
Check Lists
Use check lists in issues, merge requests, and epics to manage tasks and track their completion using checkboxes.
Team Planning
![image for File Attachments](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
File Attachments
Upload file attachments (including images) to issues, merge requests, and epics, to communicate ideas beyond text.
Team Planning
![image for Emoji reactions](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
Emoji reactions
Add emoji reactions to issues, merge requests, or epics for more expressive communication and to indicate upvotes and downvotes.
Team Planning
![image for Threaded Discussions](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
Threaded Discussions
Collaborate with threaded discussions in issues, merge requests, and epics.
Team Planning
![image for Filterable System Activity](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
Filterable System Activity
View system activity to see a history of changes to issues, merge requests, and epics. Filter by comments only or history only.
Team Planning
![image for Track Title Changes](/nuxt-images/resources/fallback/img-fallback-cards-infinity.png)
Track Title Changes
Track title changes in the system activity of issues, merge requests, and epics.
Team Planning
![image for Labels](
Labels provide an easy way to categorize issues, merge requests, or epics based on descriptive titles as 'bug', or 'documentation'.
Team Planning
![image for Prioritized Labels](
Prioritized Labels
Assign prioritized labels with issues and merge requests to display them in priority order.
Team Planning
![image for Scoped Labels](
Scoped Labels
Assign scoped labels mutually exclusively when they have the same scope.
Team Planning
![image for Issue Weights](
Issue Weights
GitLab lets you manage issues using Agile practices by setting the weight of an issue.
Team Planning
![image for Milestones](
Create and manage milestones at both the project and group levels, viewing all the issues for the milestone you’re currently working on, representing an Agile program increment or a release.
Team Planning
![image for Iteration Cadences](
Iteration Cadences
Automate the creation and management of iterations with iteration cadences at the group level, automatically roll issues from the previous iteration to the next, view all the issues for the iteration you’re currently working on within your group or project, and enable all subgroups and projects to stay in sync on the same cadence.
Team Planning
![image for Issue Due Dates](
Issue Due Dates
In GitLab, you can set a due date for individual issues. This is very convenient if you have small tasks with a specific deadline.
Team Planning
![image for Assignee](
Assign a user to an issue or a merge request, indicating responsibility for it.
Team Planning
![image for Multiple Issue Assignees](
Multiple Issue Assignees
Assign more than one person to an issue at a time.
Team Planning
![image for Lock Discussion](
Lock Discussion
Lock down continued discussion in an issue or merge request as a Maintainer role or higher, to prevent further abuse, spam, or unproductive collaboration.
Team Planning
![image for Confidential Issues](
Confidential Issues
Keep your information secure with Confidential Issues. With GitLab, you can create confidential issues visible only for project members with Reporter access level or above.
Team Planning
![image for Issue Dependencies](
Issue Dependencies
Explicitly mark issues as blocked and blocking and track their status. Blocked issues are visible in the issue card view for easy identification.
Team Planning
![image for Move Issue to Another Project](
Move Issue to Another Project
You can move issues between projects in GitLab. All links, history and comments will be copied and the original issue will reference the newly moved issue. This makes working with multiple issue trackers much easier.
Team Planning
![image for Mark Issue as Duplicate](
Mark Issue as Duplicate
Mark an issue as a duplicate of another issue, closing it.
Team Planning
![image for Anticipate Duplicate Issue](
Anticipate Duplicate Issue
When creating a new issue, see similar existing issues, to reduce the number of duplicates and focus collaboration.
Team Planning
![image for New Issue via Email](
New Issue via Email
Create an issue from email by sending in the issue title and description.
Team Planning
![image for Bulk Edit Issues](
Bulk Edit Issues
Edit values such as labels, parent epic, assignee, health status, and milestones on multiple issues all at once via the Issue List.
Team Planning
![image for Export Issues CSV file](
Export Issues CSV file
Issues can be exported as CSV from GitLab and are sent to your default notification email as an attachment.
Team Planning
![image for Import Issues CSV file](
Import Issues CSV file
Issues can be imported from a CSV into GitLab, generated from another issue tracking system.
Team Planning
![image for Burnup Charts](
Burnup Charts
With Milestone and Iteration Burnup Charts, you can better understand scope change during a sprint or while working on a new version of your software.
Team Planning
![image for Burndown Charts](
Burndown Charts
GitLab provides Burndown Charts as part of Milestones and Iterations. This allows users to better track progress during a sprint or while working on a new version of their software.
Team Planning
![image for Quick Actions](
Quick Actions
GitLab provides a convenient way to change metadata of an issue or merge request without leaving the comment field with quick actions.
Team Planning
![image for Custom Notifications](
Custom Notifications
Be notified by email, Slack, or to-do items anytime there are changes to an issue or merge request.
Team Planning
![image for To-Do List](
To-Do List
When a user is mentioned in or assigned to an issue or merge request, it will be included in the user's To-Do List, making the development workflow faster and easier to track.
Team Planning
![image for Custom Text in Emails](
Custom Text in Emails
Include custom additional text in all emails sent by GitLab, such as including disclaimer text.
Team Planning
![image for Sub-addressing Email Servers](
Sub-addressing Email Servers
For incoming email features in GitLab, support sub-addressing email servers.
Team Planning
![image for Catch-all Email Mailboxes](
Catch-all Email Mailboxes
For incoming email features in GitLab, support catch-all email mailboxes, which can be used with Microsoft Exchange and Google Groups.
Team Planning
![image for Jira Integration](
Jira Integration
To ensure that developers in GitLab and project managers in Jira remain in tune, GitLab integrates with Jira and provides the necessary tooling to fill that gap.
Team Planning
![image for Jira Issues Integration](
Jira Issues Integration
Integrate Jira issues with GitLab merge requests.
Team Planning
![image for Jira Issues Importer](
Jira Issues Importer
Import Jira issues into a GitLab project.
Team Planning
![image for Jira Development Panel Integration](
Jira Development Panel Integration
View GitLab repository information and navigate to GitLab from the Jira development panel.
Team Planning
Track Description Changes
View the full history of description updates in issues, merge requests, and epics.
Team Planning
![image for Time Tracking](
Time Tracking
Time Tracking in GitLab lets your team add estimates and record time spent on issues and merge requests.
Team Planning
![image for Track Time Spent](
Track Time Spent
Update and track the time spent on an issue or merge request.
Team Planning
![image for Track Estimated Time Required](
Track Estimated Time Required
Update and track the estimated time required on an issue or merge request.
Team Planning
![image for Comment Templates](
Comment Templates
Comment Templates enable you to create saved responses that you can apply in comment boxes around GitLab to speed up your workflow. To create a comment template, go to User settings > Comment templates and then fill out your template. After it's saved, select the Insert comment template icon on any text area, and your saved response will be applied.
Team Planning
Create, search and view issues from chat
Quickly create, view and search for issues straight from chat.
Team Planning
![image for Automatically close issue(s) when a merge request is merged](
Automatically close issue(s) when a merge request is merged
With GitLab, you can use specific keywords to close one or more issues as soon as a merge request is merged.
Team Planning
Configurable issue closing pattern
Define your own specific keywords to close one or more issues as soon as a merge request is merged.
Service Desk
Empower teams with service desk capabilities and integrated issue tracking within the DevSecOps workflow to enable a seamless and efficient feedback loop.
Service Desk
![image for Service Desk](
Service Desk
Allow external users to create issues in your GitLab instance without an account and without access to anything except their issue. Manage tickets from the GitLab interface.
Service Desk
Service Desk Custom Branding
Allow customization of incoming issues and response emails, including the service desk user name to allow for a cohesive branding experience for your customers.
Service Desk
![image for Customer Relations Management](
Customer Relations Management
Manage organizations and contacts, associate contacts to organizations, and link contacts to issues.
Portfolio Management
Manage complex initiatives using epics, boards, roadmaps, milestones, and more within the platform where your teams create software.
Portfolio Management
![image for Epic Boards](
Epic Boards
View and track your epics on a kanban-style board
Portfolio Management
![image for Bulk Edit Epics](
Bulk Edit Epics
Edit labels on multiple epics all at once via the Epic List.
Portfolio Management
![image for Project Issue Board](
Project Issue Board
GitLab has Issue Boards, each list of an Issue Board is based on a label that exists in your issue tracker. The Issue Board will therefore match the state of your issue tracker in a user-friendly way.
Portfolio Management
![image for Group Issue Board](
Group Issue Board
Issue board scoped at the group level, so that you can view issues in all projects of that group.
Portfolio Management
![image for Multiple Project Issue Boards](
Multiple Project Issue Boards
Large companies often have hundreds of different projects, all with different moving parts at the same time. GitLab allows for multiple Issue Boards for a single project so you can plan, organize, and visualize a workflow for a feature or product release. Multiple Issue Boards are particularly useful for large projects with more than one team or in situations where a repository is used to host the code of multiple products.
Portfolio Management
![image for Multiple Group Issue Boards](
Multiple Group Issue Boards
Multiple Group Issue Boards, similar to Multiple Project Issue Boards
Portfolio Management
![image for Total Issue Count per Issue Board List](
Total Issue Count per Issue Board List
View the total number of issues in an issue board list, at the top of the list.
Portfolio Management
![image for Total Issue Weight per Issue Board List](
Total Issue Weight per Issue Board List
View the total weight of issues in an issue board list, at the top of the list.
Portfolio Management
![image for Issue Board Label Lists](
Issue Board Label Lists
An Issue Board is based on its project's label structure, therefore, it applies the same descriptive labels to indicate placement on the board. GitLab issues can appear on multiple issues and they still have meaning without the context of a particular board.
Portfolio Management
![image for Issue Board Assignee Lists](
Issue Board Assignee Lists
Issue board lists that pull in issues assigned to a given user
Portfolio Management
![image for Issue Board Milestone Lists](
Issue Board Milestone Lists
Issue board lists that pull in issues in a given milestone
Portfolio Management
![image for Issue Board Configuration](
Issue Board Configuration
Associate a board with a milestone, labels, an assignee, and a weight
Portfolio Management
![image for Issue Board Focus Mode](
Issue Board Focus Mode
Get more information at a time with the Issue Board focus mode, which removes all unnecessary elements from the screen to show your Issue Boards.
Portfolio Management
![image for Reorder Issues in Issue Board List](
Reorder Issues in Issue Board List
Reorder issues in an issue board list to indicate priority and intended order of implementation.
Portfolio Management
![image for Add Multiple Issues to Project Issue Board](
Add Multiple Issues to Project Issue Board
From an Issue Board, you can add multiple issues to lists in the board by selecting one or more existing issues.
Portfolio Management
![image for New Issue in Issue Board List](
New Issue in Issue Board List
With GitLab Issue Boards, you can create issues directly from the board and assign multiple labels allowing them to appear on multiple boards.
Portfolio Management
Single level Epics
Plan and track features and work group level epics that collect issues together. Easily create and assign Issues directly from the Epic itself
Portfolio Management
![image for Multi-level Epics](
Multi-level Epics
Plan and track strategies, initiatives, and features with multi-level epics. Organize and prioritize work across multiple children epics and their issues within the Epic Tree.
Portfolio Management
Confidential Epics
Organize a collection of related confidential issues into a confidential epic, allowing you to manage sensitive work more efficiently.
Portfolio Management
![image for Reorder Issues in Epic Tree](
Reorder Issues in Epic Tree
Reorder issues in an epic to indicate priority or intended order of implementation.
Portfolio Management
![image for Issue and Epic Health Reporting](
Issue and Epic Health Reporting
Report on and quickly respond to the health of individual issues and epics by viewing red, amber, or green health statuses on your Epic Tree.
Portfolio Management
![image for Epic Fixed Dates](
Epic Fixed Dates
Use fixed dates to do top-down planning of epics.
Portfolio Management
![image for Epic Dynamic Dates](
Epic Dynamic Dates
Use dynamic dates to do bottom-up planning and tracking of epics, taking into account the start and due dates its issues's milestones.
Portfolio Management
![image for Promote Issue to Epic](
Promote Issue to Epic
Promote an issue to epic to continue collaboration at a higher-level work abstraction.
Portfolio Management
![image for Roadmaps](
Visualize multiple epics and milestones across time in a roadmap view.
Portfolio Management
![image for Planning hierarchy](
Planning hierarchy
Using epics and issues together results in a planning hierarchy that spans groups and projects. This allows multiple layers of breaking down work and better organization. Hierarchy starts with single level epics in Premium. It becomes more flexible with mult-level epics in Ultimate.
Design Management
Streamline design reviews and centralize project assets fostering seamless collaboration within cross-functional teams.
Design Management
Design Management
Design Management allows users to upload design assets (such as wireframes and mockups) to GitLab Issues and keep them stored in one single place, giving product designers, managers, and engineers a seamless way to collaborate on design proposals. They can be easily uploaded and are stored in versions. You can start a thread by clicking on the image on the exact location you would like the discussion to be focused on.
Design Management
GitLab-Figma Plugin
Our Figma plugin allows you to upload Figma frames and components to GitLab issues.
Requirements Management
Ensure your products meet industry standards and business objectives using requirements.
Requirements Management
Requirements Management
Gather, document, refine, and track approval of business and system requirements.
Define traceability between requirements and other requirements, code, or
test cases.
Requirements Management
Satisfy Requirements from CI/CD pipelines
This powerful feature uses the GitLab single-application model to allow testing run in the CI/CD pipelines to satisfy your requirements. This automates the cumbersome task of identifying satisfied requirements, and enables your organization to focus on delivering value.
Requirements Management
Import & Export Requirements
To better collaborate with external groups and organizations, requirements can be imported and exported in CSV format. This allows teams to use a single interface for development and testing against requirements.
Quality Management
Testing for quality ensures you are meeting the expectations of your users. Plan and track testing and quality of your product, manage test results, and create action items all in one platform.
Quality Management
Quality Management
Define and plan test cases, maintain test execution results and create a backlog of work from failed tests.
Quality Management
Create test cases from within GitLab
Create and view test cases from within GitLab. This allows for seamless collaboration between contributors.
Use GitLab Pages without wildcard DNS
Previously, to create a GitLab Pages project, you needed a domain formatted like or This requirement meant you had to set up wildcard DNS records and SSL/TLS certificates. In GitLab 16.7, you can set up a GitLab Pages project without a DNS wildcard. This feature is an experiment. Removing the requirement for wildcard certificates eases administrative overhead associated with GitLab pages. Some customers can't use GitLab Pages because of organizational restrictions on wildcard DNS records or certificates. We welcome feedback related to this feature in issue 434372.
![image for Publish static websites for free with GitLab Pages](
Publish static websites for free with GitLab Pages
GitLab Pages provides an easy system for hosting static sites using GitLab repositories and GitLab CI, complete with custom domains, access control, and HTTPS support.
Publish your website from a private project for free
With GitLab Pages, you can create a private repository to hold your site content, and keep only the page source (HTML) available online.
Custom domains for GitLab Pages
With GitLab Pages websites, you can use a custom domain or subdomain.
Multiple custom domains for GitLab Pages
GitLab Pages allows you to add up to 150 custom domains (known as domain aliases) pointing to a single website. A domain alias is like having multiple front doors to one location.
Limit the maximum number of custom domains per project
Limit how many custom domains you can define per GitLab Pages project on self-managed instances.
Secure custom domains (HTTPS) with GitLab Pages
Install a SSL/TLS certificate, at no cost, on a website set up with a custom domain served by GitLab Pages.
GitLab Pages custom domains verification
When adding a new custom domain, users must add an associated TXT record
in order to verify they are the owner of the domain. That mechanism is
used to prevent users from claiming domains they do not own.
GitLab Pages support all Static Site Generators
With GitLab, you can build any SSG, and also choose specific SSGs' versions you want your site to build with (e.g. Middleman 4.1.1).
GitLab Pages example projects
Choose an example project to fork and get started with GitLab Pages.
GitLab Pages Templates for Static Site Generators
For those not interested in forking a project, GitLab Pages also offers templates for Gitbook, Hugo, Jekyll, Gatsby, and PlainHTML to start your Pages site from a template.
GitLab Pages supports all Jekyll plugins
Besides building any Jekyll version you want, with GitLab Pages you can use all Jekyll plugins available.
Custom Error Pages (404) for GitLab Pages
GitLab Pages allows you to create custom error pages.
Access control for GitLab Pages
GitLab Pages allows you to set up custom access control for your site.
Plugins allow you to respond to the event with a script stored on the
GitLab server, so you don't need to build your own web server to listen
to GitLab events and then call GitLab back over the API.
Text Editors
There are two text editors available in GitLab, the Rich Text Editor (RTE) and Plain Text Editor (PTE). The PTE requires knowledge of Markdown. The RTE is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editor for Markdown content. Both Text Editors are cornerstones to Knowledge group's vision to support GitLab in becoming an AllOps platform.
Text Editors
WYSIWYG Editing in Wiki
Edit Wiki pages with rich text editor
Markdown is a markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. When you enter text in the GitLab UI, GitLab assumes the text is in the Markdown language. The text is rendered with a set of styles. These styles are called [GitLab Flavored Markdown]( GitLab Flavored Markdown is a superset of standard Markdown.
![image for GitLab Flavored Markdown](
GitLab Flavored Markdown
GitLab uses 'GitLab Flavored Markdown' (GLFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few significant ways to add some useful functionality.
Paste images in Markdown in the Web IDE
When editing Markdown files in the Web IDE you can now paste images into the content so that they'll be automatically uploaded and referenced in the content.
GitLab Flavored Markdown with CommonMark
GitLab Flavored Markdown is now rendered using CommonMark, a modern standard, for new Markdown content.
Create Markdown tables from JSON data
Use JSON data to generate sortable, filterable tables in Markdown.
Value Stream Management
Track key metrics throughout the software development lifecycle, assess the impact of process improvements, and drill down into roadblocks. Compare best practices across teams to improve workflow and deliver customer value faster.
Value Stream Management
Value Stream Management
GitLab will surface VSM (value stream management) style metrics, such as cycle time, lead time, and deployment frequency, aggregated and rolled up, per an individual team, across multiple teams within a department, or even across the entire organization.
Value Stream Management
![image for Issue Analytics](
Issue Analytics
See issue analytics at the group level.
Value Stream Management
![image for Project Level Value Stream Analytics](
Project Level Value Stream Analytics
GitLab provides a dashboard that lets teams measure the time it takes to go from planning to monitoring. GitLab can provide this data because it has all the tools built-in: from the idea, to the CI, to code review, to deploy to production.
Value Stream Management
![image for Group Level Value Stream Analytics](
Group Level Value Stream Analytics
GitLab provides a group dashboard that lets teams measure the time it takes to go from planning to monitoring. GitLab can provide this data because it has all the tools built-in: from the idea, to the CI, to code review, to deploy to production.
Value Stream Management
Contribution Analytics
View contributions per member of a group
Value Stream Management
Value Streams Dashboard with Life cycle, DORA, merge request, and vulnerability metrics
Organizations can use the Value Streams Dashboard to track and compare these metrics over a period of time, identify downward trends early, understand security exposure, and drill down into individual projects or metrics to take actions for improvements. This comprehensive view built as a single application with a unified data store allows all stakeholders, from executives to individual contributors, to have visibility into the software development life cycle, without needing to buy or maintain a third-party tool.
Value Stream Management
AI Impact Analytics with GitLab Duo metrics
Measures the ROI of AI.
Value Stream Management
Charts to visualize data such as triage hygiene, issues created/closed in a given period,
average time for merge requests to be merged and much more.
Value Stream Management
ClickHouse-based Contribution Analytics
Contribution Analytics on will run using the advanced capabilities of ClickHouse DB.
Value Stream Management
![image for Productivity Analytics](
Productivity Analytics
Productivity Analytics provides graphs and reports to help engineering leaders understand team, project, and group productivity so they can uncover patterns and best practices to improve overall productivity. The initial focus of Productivity Analytics is on the MR and how long it takes to merge MRs.
Value Stream Management
Code Review Analytics
Find bottlenecks in your code review process by understanding how long open merge requests have been in review.
DORA Metrics
Monitoring and visualization of DORA metrics empower teams to make data-driven decisions and improve DevOps performance.
DORA Metrics
DORA Metrics dashboard in Value Stream Dashboard
DORA metrics are available in GitLab Value Streams Dashboard
DORA Metrics
DORA Metrics - Value Stream Dashboard DevOps performance panel with DORA scores industry benchmarks
DORA panel bar chart with breakdown of your project's DORA scores, categorized as High, Medium, or Low.
DORA Metrics
DORA - Lead time for changes
Lead time for changes measures the time to merge a change to production and
helps you understand the efficiency of your deployments over time and find improvement areas.
DORA Metrics
DORA - Deployment frequency
Monitor the frequency of your deployments over time, find bottlenecks, and make improvements when necessary.
DORA Metrics
DORA - Time To restore Service
Monitor the time to restore service over time, improve your uptime, and reduce service impairments on your environments.
DORA Metrics
DORA - Change Failure Rate
Monitor the change failure rate, improve your uptime, and reduce service impairments on your environments.
DORA Metrics
Insights: Custom DORA reporting
Custom charts to visualize DORA data with Insights YAML-based reports
DORA Metrics
DORA Trends Over Time Charts
Visibility into Value Stream work with DORA metrics
DORA Metrics
Value Streams Dashboard with Life cycle, DORA, merge request, and vulnerability metrics
Organizations can use the Value Streams Dashboard to track and compare these metrics over a period of time, identify downward trends early, understand security exposure, and drill down into individual projects or metrics to take actions for improvements. This comprehensive view built as a single application with a unified data store allows all stakeholders, from executives to individual contributors, to have visibility into the software development life cycle, without needing to buy or maintain a third-party tool.
DevOps Reports
See how teams across your organization are collaborating on GitLab and measure DevOps efficiency.
DevOps Reports
DevOps Score
Accelerate idea-to-production by identifying areas of improvement in your entire development process. See how you compare to other organizations using GitLab.
DevOps Reports
Usage Trends
Usage Trends gives you an overview of how much data your instance contains, and how quickly this volume is changing over time..
DevOps Reports
DevOps Adoption
DevOps Adoption shows you which teams across your organization are using GitLab Issues, Merge Requests, Approvals, Runners, Pipelines, Deploys, and Scanning, and also shows the trend of adoption over time.