Blog Open Source Today is GitLab Fan Day
September 7, 2017
2 min read

Today is GitLab Fan Day

Join us in celebrating our most mysterious evangelist, GitLab Fan.


Today we're celebrating GitLab Fan and the great work they do to evangelize GitLab 🎉 Read on to learn more about the mysterious figure behind the Fan, and take a look around our site and see if you can spot any of their illustrations. Also, don't forget to visit us on Twitter to take part in our giveaway – you could get your hands on some awesome, custom GitLab Fan swag.

At GitLab we're passionate about building a platform where everyone can contribute, and GitLab Fan is a great example of the work our community does, from creating custom stickers for Telegram and Slack to sharing tutorials and takeaways from our culture.

While GF's identity remains a mystery (Honest! If they're a GitLab team-member, they're undercover 🕵️), we did get a chance to ask them some questions:

What inspired you to launch

I used to work with GitLab a lot and I liked it, so I had a lot of thoughts I wanted to share with people.

Do you use GitLab for work or personal projects (or both)?

Mostly personal projects these days.

What kind of work do you do?

I teach junior developers. By the way, I've started to work on a course about GitLab CI ;)

Do you work for GitLab? (We have to ask!)

No, I don't :)

Have you ever thought about applying to work for GitLab?

Yup, I actually did that. But it was not a very serious intention, I did that for fun. Twice :)

If you could change or improve anything about GitLab, what would it be and why?

I would love to see a built-in chat solution, in the same way that GitLab has built-in CI. That will save some time when you set up a new project, and I am also sure there would be some nice synergistic effects.

Thanks, GitLab Fan, for everything you do.

We're giving away some specially designed GitLab Fan swag over on Twitter – head there now to join in!

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