This is Lucky, the 32lb mini Bernadoodle with a bark bigger than his smile and love for walks and his hoo-mans! Lucky also shares a passsion for making beds! If by making you mean getting underneath everything and pretending he's in a cave or tunnel, then you are correct! When he's not working on his linen-game, he's loafing behind his dad in an oversized pillow in the sun :)
Turk Turk will make you tremble in your boots if you set foot in his yard. Moving faster than the unsuspecting elephant seal, he will bolt from underneath the apple tree when your snagging the forbidden avocados in a flying waddle with talons out. It's moments like these you question the decisions that got you here. You've been warned. Don't mess with Turk Turk or his avocados on E st.
Lady Pug is a sweet girl who loves treats, naps and cuddles. She's a world-class sprinter, and was famous for a day because she's such a fast pug. She will sit on your lap, you really don't have a choice in this.
Nikita is a husky who adopted Aleesha as her human in 2010 when Nikita was just 11 weeks old and Aleesha was just 18 years old. She is the laziest, chillest husky you will ever met. She likes to chase birds and rabbits and weirdly loves sunbathing. Roscoe adopted Aleesha and her husband Eric in 2015. He is a ball of anxiety, and loves his sister and parents very much. He likes to sleep on his back and bark non-stop.
Oskar adopted his humans Aleesha and Eric in 2018 when he was just a couple months old. He likes opening and closing doors, drinking from faucets, and looking at you like he's really angry. Cleo joined the family in 2021 at just a few months old. She likes running around the house, sleeping in anyone else's bed, eating, trying to run outside, and just being a general trouble maker.
River is the best german shepherd girl you'll ever meet. Just be sure not to leave her alone with any bread products...we had to learn that the hard way. Trouble is adorable but don't let that fool you, she earns her name everyday. I guess that is the default setting for a border collie.
Hagrid is a big floofy gentle giant Sheepadood who joined our family in 2020 at the beginning of Covid. His best friend is his little brother (Human), who's only 1 year younger than him. He likes playing paper, rock, scissors (he always goes with paper), playing sneak and being a good boy offleash at all the parks and trails.
Highly skilled stuffed mouse hunter, laser point chaser, butt wiggler, but most of all a very gentle, well-mannered little kitty. Loves food, treats, pets and napping. Yet does not beg for food nor pets, but will sit patiently and stare deep into your soul until you decide to do the right thing - with cheesecake being an exception!
Hannibal was born in Hungary and received fancy "family protection" training. Despite it, he remains terrified of balloons, is bullied by our cat that is 5 times smaller, but he is pretty so we forgive him for not being brave. Hannibal is super friendly and social, and becomes very upset when the family goes somewhere without him.
Fibi is a mix of Labrador and Poodle - a Labradoodle. She has all the positive qualities of these two breeds, is very child and family friendly and has become an important part of the family. In addition to attention, she also needs regular walks and thus forces us in a positive way to go out in all wind and weather, to take breaks from work which is very important especially with a 100% home office job!
Without knowing if it is actually a bull or a dog, Bruno enjoys to take its human for a walk every couple of days or so. He also likes to play with its plastic ball and loves to catch it on the fly. While very protective at home; he is friendly with anyone that is outside the house and enjoys to be pet by anyone.
Rose is a Border Collie that loves to keep Dilan company during his workday and demands many walks and adventures everyday in return. True to her roots she has to know where everyone is in the house and tries to herd everyone into the same room, also all the squirrels in the neighborhood. She is very loved.
Chairperson of the Anti-Social Social Club, Nibbles is not to be trifled with. She does not suffer fools and has no love to share with anyone other than her human dad. When she is not cowering in the kitchen cabinet, she is hiding in the bed room for fear of having to socialize with visitors to her domain.
Woof I am Sir Reginald Puggington, but you may call me Reggie! I am a pure-breed Cali pug living the life in Austin, TX and besides the heat, I love it here. During the day, you can find me channeling my inner Labrador Retriever as my energetic self loves to run around and play fetch. I return back to my pug self at night where I plop myself on the couch and welcome all cuddles and kisses (and treats! They always get my curly tail waggin'). Thanks for stopping by and getting to know me. Woof woof!
Harley's nickname is Pancake, because she loves to squeeze herself under furniture that is incredibly close the ground. Ozzy's real name is Oswald but we call him Fluffernutter, because he is incredibly fluffy and also pretty nutty. They both love to eat, so their owners can never leave (cat or people) food out. Harley is a scaredy-cat but also master of the household, and Ozzy loves to chew on cardboard and zoom around the house at precisely 10pm. They share custody of an office chair between their two owners and can often be found in collusion against Batman.
Spirit is a rescued Chihuahua/Corgi mix that's the size of a Chihuahua but looks like a Corgi. He's an expert in extreme cuddling, begging for food, and being half-interested in playing with toys. In his spare time, he likes to take up all the space on the sofa or bed, also lick arms, and beg for more food.
Remi (Australian Shepard) is a loving, playful pup who only wants to make you happy! He is patient and used as a stepping stool for our 15 month old baby. Gunner (Yorkie) is small but makes sure everyone knows who's boss since he was around before everyone else. He loves to cuddle and eat everything in sight.
These adorable Squishables and friends love to have adventures in and out of the house. They all have their own personalities including the chicken loving Big Fox, mini size Chibifox, and micro size Chibibifox; climbing expert micro red panda Maokun; guard and RTS-loving Mozilla dinosaur Gaokun; and gluttenous mini flying pig Gucchan. Follow their adventures near home and around the world on their Twitter account!
Young. Active. Super-friendly. Extremely-friendly "sausage" with short legs and large ears that comes in the dogs' world under name ["Cardigan Welsh Corgi"]( Loves everybody and everything that moves. Generally intelligent but an attempt to make an eye-contact from a stranger treats as declaration of love no matter what.
Dulce (Sweet in Spanish) is not 100% sure what her breed is (her humans think she is a Jack Russell Terrier). She was rescued from the streets when she was 4 months old. She enjoys eating meat and hates dry food. She is extremely energetic and loves running in the park. She hasn't found another dog her size that can outrun her!
Ginny is fluffy and soft, and her seismic purr can be felt from across the room. Don't let that fool you - she's actually kind of evil and has the best hunting skills around. Personally, I'm rather glad she's out of the "surpise lacerations" phase of kittenhood, though I wish she would stop licking mayonnaise off our plates.
Like all our cats, Ellie is a former shelter cat. Now she enjoys life on our rural property and thinks she owns the place. She's an absolute lap magnet and purrs like a Harley. Especially if food is involved. She may be the dumbest cat we've ever had, but we love her all the same.
Rio is a French Bulldog who lives in Laguna Beach, CA and enjoys laying in the sun all day. His snoring can keep the entire house awake, so he sleeps as far away from the family as possible. Rio is one of the most gentle and loving dogs. He treats his human brother and sister very gingerly and loves to play with them all day. Rio has an Instagram Page with over 1000 followers.
Hanna and Grim are best friends! Grim is a 10 year old Boston Terrier who loves taking naps in the sun and giving Hanna cat baths. Hanna is a 6 year old mix we found in a grocery store parking lot 5 years ago. She loves cuddles, giving hugs and protecting the family. Together these two, always leave a clean floor when I'm cooking!!
Momo always finds the right spot to lay on the keyboard to destroy your latest work in the most cutest way. He is Balu's brother.
Kaya joined us when she was ~1 year old to become a happy husky at sea. The beach and dunes are her playground, but being a typical 100% Siberian Husky she has to be on leash most of the time. She creates Food Requests all day, and merges them with cuddles. She probably dreams of Continuous Delivery of food...
Chaco, named after the footwear and her chocolate coloring, is a rescue pup and a mix of a bunch of breeds.
Gustur and Rokin are named after a couple of wind-related words in Icelandic. "Gustur" is like a gust of wind, and "Rokin" is like "wooshed", or "gone, leaving but a gust of wind".
Maisel is also a Seattle Humane rescue. She is a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix, which is short-hand for "largest, loudest dog in the house". Maisel spends her days perched on the back of the couch, peering out the window, and dutifully protecting the neighboorhood from...everything not Maisel.
Eddie is a Jack Russell mix who lives with his hoomans in Seattle, WA. He likes to play with his squeak toys and occasionally gets the zoomies. That said, generally he is surprisingly lazy for a Jack Russell, and above all else loves cuddling with and sleeping next to his hoomans.
Jibboom is an adopted 8 year old American Staffordshire Terrier. He looks tough, but he's a big softie. He might jump on you, but only because he wants to lick your face so bad. His favorite things to do are lay outside in the sun, lay inside on the couch, lay on his bed, lay in his human's bed, and eat bananas. Jibboom is battling a few kinds of cancer - and winning, because nothing can keep his spirits down.
Hi! I'm Toulouse, or at least thats what my human servants call me... I'm what they call in Dutch a 'lappenkat' but I prefer the English term 'Calico cat' since it's more 'Chique'! Anyway hope to meet you someday, and err could you bring some food because I'm always hungry! Purrrfect!
Eve and Harry are both from the Dakin Humane Society. Locally, Harry is known as "Harry, Prince of Fluff". Eve is named after the robot from wall-e. Adorable but slightly deadly.
Kato and Carter both came from Safe Hands Rescue. Kato is the dog that convinced his dad he needed a dog, and Carter came a year later when Kato clearly needed a pup fren.
Mikah (Calico in back) is our moody princess. She tends to think she rules the house, but the minute a new person walks in the house she drops her act and is the most loving cat you will ever meet. Luna (Tuxedo in front) is our laid back cat. She most likely will be found lounging around on her cat tower or near a window. Opposite to her sister, the minute someone new visits, she is no where to be found. With both of them however, once you get to know them, you'll find they are the most loving and gentle cats around.
Milou ("Milo") was named after the adventurous pup in the Adventures of Tintin due to his intrepid spirit and fearless (some would say neurotic) persona. He was discovered by Pilar at the County Animal Shelter where he had been picked up as a stray and been living a life under the alias Fabio. His plucky attitude immediately won over Pilar and her husband and after taking a DNA test he came back as alledgedly being all Chihuahua. His origin story is shrouded in mystery so guesses place him at around 10 years of age by now but you wouldn't know it from his eternally youthful behavior. When he's not sunbathing or protecting the fort, he enjoys helping keep the floors clean after his toddler roomates' meals and serving as part baby doll part super villain during their imaginary adventures around the house.
Theodore (Theo to his friends) is a feisty, loud and pretty crazy bengal cat, who likes to think that he's a dog. He loves his dad to death (smothering is a real risk!). He and his mum are constantly battling for Simon's attention, Theo normally wins. Benedict (Ben to his admirers) is, by comparison, sedate, lazy and sleeps a lot. That is until he senses the opportunity of going for a walk, when he will proceed to follow you to wherever it is you are going!
Meara was a lost kitten in a small local market. She was starving and decided to follow a human to a new home. For a while, she would eat anything that was either given or found edible; so she has big belly now even though she more picky on what she eats. Meara loves attentions from her humans. She has also learned skills like ankle bite, and grab and kick.
Persephone is a sweet little girl who loves every visitor. She assumes if you come over you want her in your lap at some point (if you don't, this house isn't for you). Her hobbies include keeping the kitchen floor clean and playing with her little stuffed animals, and of course her best kids! Since she is a goddess, she has a tiny chandelier in her crate, apropros of her position.
Luzifer was always up to something. When Sebastian moved in one year ago it was clear that they would join forces to take over the world. They get disctracted by birds or insects very easily and sleep almost all day which makes it very unlikely that they will ever succeed.
Cherry and Vanilla Bean are both rescue cats. While Cherry lived on the street for her first few months, Vanilla Bean was rescued at just 6 weeks old. They love and support their owners, Wil and Brandon, with all the bleps, boofs, and flops these long-girls can give.
Toph is, by far, the Worst Cat. Luckily, she does not understand English. She was named for the destructive, powerful, yet charming Toph Beifong in Avatar, The Last Airbender. When not pursuing her ambitious and exhausting goal of sleeping 22 hours per day, Toph focuses her talents on the destruction of all shades and blinds in her home. When time permits, she continues her quest to murder her beloved green fluffy worm toy and annoy her sibling tuxie, Pippin.
Plop Beauregard is a shelter kitty who found his furever home in spring 2020. He is a vocal tabby who loves to curl up in a sink. Plop spends most of his time watching the local cats, rabbits, squirrels and possums from various windows. He is an indoor cat but he escaped one night during a rainstorm and returned with a possum present. He shares his adventures on Instagram.
Clover Plotkin rehomed herself to the Plotkin family in summer 2016. She is quite the vocal queen of the house who likes nothing more than to curl up with her human, especially while her human is on calls. When she isn't "helping" at work, she spends her time hanging out with the local wombats who appear to inhabit the same home.
Sully (named after Sullivan's Island) joined the Regnery family in the Fall of 2018. She is your typical Goldendoodle, and spends her days at her dad's feet in the office. When she's not being a co-worker she loves to go on long walks, play fetch, go swimming in the ocean, or practice her training. She is AKC certified and aspires to become a therapy dog to visit patients at the local hospitals.
Lucy is a Lab/Whippet Mix we think (a Whipador) meaning she has great eyesight, lots of energy, a retriever instinct and is extremely speedy. In summary, we play a lot of fetch. Lucy has been with us since 2018 and has made each and every day brighter. In her free time Lucy enjoys... sleeping, chasing lights, playing with her tennis balls (she has a lot), and requesting belly rubs from her humans no matter how busy they seem to be.
Jase is a grey and white tabby/tuxedo cat mix and is approximately 7-10 years old. He roamed my neighborhood 5 years ago searching for food and was not microchipped or wore a pet collar. After putting up flyers and checking the local lost pet web sites without luck, my family gave Jase his forever home and new name. He loves freeze-dried chicken and has been trained to go into his cat carrier on command. He is a very smart cat!
Kiss (left) and his "little brother" Ravi (right). A story of true love, these two can always be found either cuddling on the sofa or running outside. Legend says that if you are in Eindhoven on a sunny day, you might get to see these two taking their human out for a ride on top of a dog-powered longboard, around one of the city's many parks and fields.
Lote is a very moody cat. She turns her back to you, screams for food and scratches everything except the scratcher. She likes purposely ignoring people if you call her name but really loves throwing herself on her back (refer to picture) and giving a quick purr when you come home after a long day away. But at the end of the day, she comes purring to you while sitting at the couch enjoying a movie or likes sleeping on your head while you sleep yourself. She can be sweet but also a little devil, we love her.
Harriet and Claude are two rescue cats living the condo life in Toronto, Canada. They also happen to be blind, but this doesn't stop them from getting into all the typical troubles cats do. Claude loves outdoor time on the balcony and his favourite bed. Harriet adores her food and hanging out around her humans.
Zibby is a 2 year old Bull Terrier/black Lab mix who loves running, fetch, and playing with other dogs. Squirrels, rabbits, and rats are her main interests. Her head size is approximately 3x most other dogs. Her name comes from a brave cosmonaut dog.
Eggy is a food obsessed 5 year old long-haired cat. He has a high opinion of himself and tries to help himself to fine cheeses even if guests are present. Momo is a 3 year old cat with a pumpkin head and the sweetest temperament imaginable. She spends her time looking out the window and heaping affection onto Eggy.
Clementine is a very strong-willed & sassy Corgi, but will always show you her goofy side. She has been deemed the name "Clean-up Clemmy" for her ability to snatch scraps that have fallen to the floor. Her favorite activities include barking at the wind, destroying cardboard, & napping on her back with all 4 paws in the air.
Patatje the judgemental Golden Retriever. Enjoys sitting on the balcony ~judging~ observing the neighborhood, and convincing them she has never been given any kind of love or pets or food. Already invaded a highschool, and was not sorry. Doesn't really like getting stuff stacked on her head as much as we like to stack stuff on her head. Highschools invaded: 1. Regrets: 0.
Lin is named after the famous broadway performer Lin Manuel Miranda. He likes to climb up on cat shelves that give him full view of the apartment. He adores food more than anything in the world, even his owners.Thankfully, he has an almost endless supply of treats and Fancy Feast to consume.
Russell is named after the current Seattle Seahawk quarterback, Russell Wilson. He likes to hide in any kind of basket and gets very frightened when his owner is not within the same room as him. Russell is very opinionated and loves to talk. You may see him attempting to be included in future GitLab calls.
Rocket is a cat with a big appetite. He always wants to eat food - even if it's leafy greens on your plate. His favorite food is ice cream and popcorn, much like his owner. Outside of eating, his favorite activities are to bask in the sunlight, and catch up on some sleep with his bff - Cutie Patootie.
Cutie Patootie is one cute cat! As a tri-colored calico princess, her fur is always in need of grooming. Luckily her bff Rocket is always there to lend a tounge. Cutie Patootie loves to be coo'ed and cuddled, but in order to sit on your lap, she requires only the best blankets in the house.
Zenny is "some kind of a shepherd mix" with a bit of a bossy personality. She loves to go on walks with her humans, try new foods, sniff every single package that arrives at her house, and bark at each delivery person to make sure they know they are not welcome on her property. Her favorite form of communication is barking as loud as she possibly can.
Macy (left) and Maggie (right) are both goldendoodles. Macy is the loud one, loves to bark and get into our trash in the middle of the night. Maggie is the quiet one but loves to dig holes and randomly attack Macy when she least expects it. They both love to snuggle and we love them both very much (even though they get on our nerves most of the time).
Milo is a German Shepherd / Labrador mix and a very good boy. He loves being outdoors, playing with other dog pals, and getting tons of attention and treats! He takes his job as a watch dog very seriously, usually interrupting his mom's meetings to let everyone know that we have packages being delivered or that there's some kind of animal in the yard.
Charlie is a good boy Golden Retriever who lives in London. His favourite hobbies are barking at squirrels, swimming in lakes and drinking out of muddy puddles. Favourite games include fetching dirty washing from the wash basket and barking at his toy lion when it misbehaves.
Catalina is a feisty, half-blind Russian Blue who stole my heart when I saw her adoption poster. She had a rocky early life, living in unstable homes, but she's really blossomed in a loving household where she can be herself. She may not be able to see well, but she's an incredible listener who comes sprinting in at even the tiniest clatter of food dish or rustle of treat bag. The only cat that doesn't purr or like boxes, you can find her sleeping under the TV stand. Or under the bed. Or under my desk. Or und—
Cody is a 3-year old Maltese Shih-tzu mix, otherwise known as a Teddy Bear. He loves and expects to get attention from everyone. If he doesn't get them right away, he'll stand on his hind legs and beg by moving his front pawn up and down rapidly. This usually does the trick and gets him the attention he seeks.
Ziggy is nearly 13 years young, almost totally deaf and is so cute he knows he'll get by on his looks. Spencer is Ziggy's recently adopted fur brother and is 3 years old, a nervous wreck (though learning that he's safe here) and looks like a fox. The best co-workers I could ask for!
Mokey is a miniature Schnauzer, born in 2007 —which makes her 15 years old. These days she spends most of her time curled up in a soft bed, but she also loves making her rounds in the backyard, making sure everything is right in its place. She loves nothing better than a good scratch behind the ears.
Both born in the uneventful month of March 2020, Cleo and Chester joined the family in June 2020 and have been ruling the household ever since. Cleo is a bengal that enjoys sleeping, following her humans around, and running on her cat wheel (the more you praise her, the faster she runs). She also likes watching TV (she's partial to 'The Dog House UK' on HBO), eating anything with chicken, and making her voice heard (mostly in the early morning hours in case her parents forget to feed her, which has yet to happen, but she's extremely proactive). Chester is a tabby or 'standard issue cat' that loves supervising, 'helping' around the house, and finding new ways to keep his humans on their toes. If you're eating around Chester, expect to share—his favorite foods include cheese and the occasional croissant. Despite his comfortable existence, his mission in life is to get out of the apartment, and he has been known to get into some interesting places in his quest to befriend everyone and everything (except the vet). Chester has his own laptop, but this doesn't stop him from walking across my keyboahajqkwu
Gobi is the quietest cat in the world, only when he is asleep. When he is awake, he wants to be always at the center of the action. He is super curious, if an encyclopedia ever defines FOMO, his picture will be in it. Always a homeboy, he only ever gets out of the apartment when visiting his vet. He loves chin rubs, head scratches, and kisses and absolutely hates it when you touch his stubby tail. He is mischievous and quite vindictive, but he is also very vocal and affectionate, so he gets away with it most of the time.
Walt is a lovable Goldendoodle with two favorite pastimes - napping all day and getting way too excited when meeting new people (so excited, in fact, that he sometimes wees a little). Whether hes snoozing in the sun or making new best friends, Walt brings joy and a little chaos wherever he goes!
Moonlight is a beautiful white duck with a unique crooked neck, making her stand out in the flock. Once the smallest of the bunch, she’s had an impressive glow-up and is now one of the biggest! Confident and resilient, Moonlight waddles through life with grace, proving that a little quirkiness only adds to her charm.
Magic is a sleek black Indian Runner duck with a knack for mischief! The official troublemaker of the flock, she knows exactly how to get attention—especially when she’s hungry, which usually means banging on the office window until her demands are met. Full of personality and always up to something, Magic definitely keeps life interesting!
Spotty is a beautifully speckled Indian Runner duck, perfectly named for her unique coat. She’s a little bundle of energy, always on the move and adding her own flair to the flock. Whether she’s exploring, foraging, or just showing off her stylish spots, Spotty is a true standout!
Well, hi there! I'm fun-loving Fynn. I'm an 8 month old red tri Australian Shepherd and live in Southern California with my mom, some other pups at the house, and lizard siblings. I love to run, play ball, play tug of war, rip up my stuffed animals, and chase my frisbee. I get to spend my afternoons and weekends hiking and playing with my new friends at the dog park. I also spend a lot of time in the garden with my mom where I'm on squirrel duty and take that job very seriously, even though I have yet to catch one. I hate when mom is working and won't pay attention to me! '
Bruce is a laid back yellow lab with the world’s biggest heart. He loves chasing his ball, swimming and looks forward to three square meals a day. Betty is an athletic, outgoing yellow lab who is curious about everything in the world. She loves following her big brother everywhere, cuddling and swimming.
Oscar was adopted from an animal shelter when he was 5 years-old. He's now 11 years-old (as of August 2022) and has established himself as the head of the household. His parents might be a little biased, but Oscar is incredibly handsome and they often tell him he's the "cutest boy in the whole world." His morning routine consists of tapping on his mom's face to serve him breakfast and getting some fresh air in the yard. He also enjoys purring on his mom's lap while perched on her right arm as she types. Oscar has been getting a bit chubbier lately but he insists it's only because he's in dire need of snacks all the time. One of his favourite pastimes is helping with jigsaw puzzles by lying down on top of the pieces you're working on. Overall, he's a very friendly and cuddly cat, and is very much loved to bits.
Crouton is feisty and fluffy cat that was adopted as a kitten from craigslist in May 2012. In his youth he loved escaping to the outdoors and pretending to be an outdoor cat and occaisionally got stuck in a tree or two. Though he still loves the outdoors, He has since mellowed out where he now prefers napping on one of his cat castles or watching birds from numerous window sills.
These boys are both rescues. Benny is a little old man dog that we have no history on (not even what his name was) who loves to sleep under blankets all day unless he is eating. He is overweight, has skin issues, but we are doing our best to give him the love he deserves. Bruno on the other hand, has a troublesome history and is in constant 'protect' mode. Which means no one else besides our immediate family can come in the house, and taking him for a walk is near impossible. He loves us (mostly me) unconditionally, but everyone else is not allowed near us. Love them both to death.
Meraki - the chocolate English Cocker Spaniel - is our newest furry EMEA Field Marketing support, located in Ingolstadt, Germany. He loves pretending to be the sweetest puppy in the world when he's after some cuddles. Otherwise he's also known as the Tasmanian Devil of Ingolstadt if you catch him during his puppy crazies. He's my constant foot warmer under my working desk and a loyal companion on our travels!
Oliver is a big, fluffy boy that I've had since he was a kitten. He was a stray and mistakenly identified as a she (I am obviously not a veterinarian), so we named him "Olive". Once we took him to a _real_ vet, "Olive" became "Oliver"! (Pictured here covered in Styrofoam pellets after playing in a cardboard shipping box.)
Louis is a French Bulldog. He was born in Australia in 2020 and moved with us to Ireland in 2022. He enjoys his food and spends much of his day foraging for snacks. He is not a big fan of going for walks but enjoys playing with his ball in the back garden and ensuring our chickens are behaving themselves.
Jango and Boba are both Siberian Huskies. They are both relentless in their pursuit of food and treats, occassionally enjoying bacon when no one is looking. Their hobbies are digging holes in the backyard, watching cats from afar, and pulling mom uphill on our daily walks.
Winnie was happily rescued in February 2020 and so she does not know a world where her owners aren't home all the time. She is a mix of dachshund, chihuahua, terrier, and probably some other things. She enjoys chasing but not catching squirrels, napping, and occasionally playing fetch.
Rosie dove straight out of the dumpster we found her in and right into my heart back in 2009, and she's been an absolute bubs ever since! She's a full-time croissant and the CEO of being a snuggybutt. When not maintaining her collection of puppy-nests around the house, she's out exploring the PNW and living her best woodland nymph life with the squirrels.
Ollie is a big corgi that is more like a cat than dog. He enjoys his own space and following you around the house. But physcial contact? No thanks.He likes to pick up socks and stuff he find on the ground to trade for treats. He's always judging you with his typical Corgi side-eyes but he's got the cutest sploot and fluffiest booty.
Inspired from the song "Little Wing" by Jimi Hendrix. Mr Wing is a handsome 12 years old Japanese Spitz, whom have been an important role in the family, taking care of his owner and his family. He dislikes arguement, and often bark his way through just to stop any potential quarrel. He enjoys his snacks, and loves being around with the loved ones.
Rollei, or Rolleiflex (like the camera), is a 4.5 year old Lhasa Apso who thinks he's a large-breed dog. Cucumber, broccoli, popcorn and cheddar cheese are his favorite snacks. June bugs are a true delicacy in his country (don't ask). When not acting as Neighborhood Watch, Rollei loves to nap and/or stare intently at mom until she feeds him.
Lewis is a textbook Golden Retriever. He is usually covered in mud, and believes he's a lap dog despite weighing in at 40kg (~90lb). He is the embodiment of unconditional love, and will make sure to grab his favourite toy to greet you whether you've been gone for a week or 5 minutes.
Coco and Pixel are Goldendoodles living in Cape Town, South Africa. Pixel was supposed to be a small dog, his dad being a miniature poodle, hence his diminutive name. He has, however grown to be bigger than his sister, Coco, who's dad is a standard poodle. Both dogs have golden retriever mothers. Pixel is the goofiest dog in the world. He loves carrying blankets around in his mouth, trail-running with his parents on Table Mountain, and relaxing in dirty muddy puddles with only his head sticking out. Pixel is a very good dog. Coco loves being patted, or any other attention that she can get, and has perfected her ability to plead longingly at anyone she meets, even strangers, looking for a few extra pats. Coco loves trail-running on Table Mountain with her parents too. Be aware that she will steal any socks she finds lying around. Coco is a very good dog.
When Archie was just born he faced a life-threatening condition called puppy strangles. This caused severe swelling and sores and led to the loss of much of his fur. His early days were incredibly tough, and there were moments when we weren't sure if he would make it. But this little fighter defied the odds and pulled through. Today, he is thriving and has become a cherished member of our family. Despite the rough start, he has grown into a calm and gentle soul. He loves nothing more than to sleep at my feet while I work. He's also become a companion to my morning jogs where he not only leads the way but often pulls me along with excitement.
Vespertine was rescued from an extremely up-scale gutter in Ranchos Palos Verdes, California. It was a bit of a lateral move for her to come live with us in an apartment in San Pedro but she is taking it in stride. She spends most of her days sitting in the window scheming how to get re-adopted by someone with a softer bed and more afternoon sunbeams.
Frolic (the brown/orange one) and Detour (silver) are our Maine Coons; as of joining GitLab they were fourteen weeks old. Their favorite pastimes are running very fast, accepting "gentle" pets from a toddler, sitting on my laptop (Detour), and falling asleep on any available human (Frolic).
Sushi (right) and Simon (left) are loving adopted brothers. Sushi was found taking shelter from a winter storm inside a car engine, surviving a long drive with only the loss of his tail. Simon joined the family a few years later, and the two quickly became inseparable. Together, they enjoy regular meals, basking in the sun, watching birds on TV, and inventing new ways to wake their humans at 5am.
Ray is a French Bulldog (aka "Frenchie"), muscular dog with a smooth coat, compact build, and a distinctive "bat ear" appearance. Ray is affectionate and playful nature, and is an excellent companion. She is adaptable, intelligent, and have a charming personality, enjoys lounging around the house, playing with toys, and is very good with our children. Despite her small size, she have a big heart and a lot of love to give.
Paco is a pug who is the most energetic dog in Europe (unconfirmed), he likes to eat, play and mostly sleep. He has short bursts of massive energy throughout the day, and then sleeps for the remaining 20 hours. Paco barks at everything, including the actors on the TV as if they are in the living room. Loves belly rubs and is a dog food connoisseur.
Juno is a Miniature Schnauzer who, true to her breed, is very loving but also very opinionated. She knows when it's exactly time for her meals (it's like she has her own watch!) and she'll stare at you until you understand that it's time to prepare her food. If staring doesn't work, she pats you on the arm repeatedly until you take action. She does the same if she thinks you're working too long, which we appreciate.
Bubbles (or Bubsy) is a 10 year old Tabby, although she still looks like a teenage cat due to her small size. She was adopted at 1.5 years old and she's a loving ball of fur. She loves chicken and surprisingly doesn't like fish unless it's salmon. You can buy her the most comfortable bed, but she'll still sleep on a cardboard box. She loves bringing presents to us humans, like mice or birds. She doesn't understand why we're not more appreciative of those gifts and why we try to release them when we get them. She thinks we're weird when we do that.
Our murdertuxie is a sullen teenager in formalwear. No petting! No cuddles! Only butt bongos and shin-bonks, please and thank you! He is mischievous, obsessed with shoes, and too smart for his own good. Also, we pretend to not notice that he sleeps on our feet every night, so he can keep his dignity.
Kuro is a very clever and kind cat. Whenever we scold him when he did some naughty things, he would quickly run to hide. Then, he would surprisingly jump to bump you as if he is taking a revenge for being scolded. He likes to eat! He knows if its already time for his schedule to eat and call you. He would act sweet when you were making his food, then hide from you once he is full. Kuro is our little baby, our home brighten up after he came.
Koda is a fiercely loyal and obedient Shiba Inu with a touch of stubbornness. He has a cat-like personality, always eager to climb anything he can get his paws on. Water is his absolute favorite, and he's usually in the shower before you've even turned the tap on. We like to joke that it's just his Shiba Inu instinct for cleanliness in action!