The following page may contain information related to upcoming products, features and functionality. It is important to note that the information presented is for informational purposes only, so please do not rely on the information for purchasing or planning purposes. Just like with all projects, the items mentioned on the page are subject to change or delay, and the development, release, and timing of any products, features or functionality remain at the sole discretion of GitLab Inc.
This page captures our priorities at a finer-grained level than the main group direction page. It shows major topics and projects that we are working on and prioritizing. It is stack ranked, which means that items at the top of the list are higher priority than items lower on the list.
This list highlights major initiatives but is not comprehensive. For specific work being done in an inidividual milestone, please refer to the appropriate milestone planning issues.
Priority | Name | DRI | Target release | Division |
1 | Custom compliance frameworks | hraghuvanshi, nradina |
FY26Q1 |
Product |
2 | External custom controls | huzaifaiftikhar1 |
FY26Q1 |
Product |
3 | Adding key OOTB controls for most requested compliance frameworks | andrew.jung |
FY26Q1 |
Product |
5 | Provide an option to add projects in the compliance framework creation workflow | nrosandich |
FY26Q1 |
Product |
6 | Compliance Framework upload/download templates | nrosandich |
FY26Q1 |
Product |
7 | Consolidation of tables for streaming audit events to various external destinations | hraghuvanshi |
FY26Q1 |
Engineering |
8 | Improve Compliance group metrics | sam.figueroa |
FY26Q2 |
Engineering |
Priority | Name | DRI | Target release | Division |
1 | (Size: XXL) Cells 1.0 - Compliance database tables work | harsimarsandhu |
FY26Q2 |
Engineering |
2 | Instance Level Compliance and Policy Management | TBD |
FY26Q3 |
Product |
3 | Group Compliance overview dashboard | harsimarsandhu, xanf |
FY26Q2 |
Product |
4 | Link violations to framework controls | TBD |
FY26Q2 |
Product |
5 | OOTB Compliance Templates | TBD |
FY26Q2 |
Product |
6 | Compliance Center Improvements | xanf |
FY26Q2 |
Product |
7 | Migrate Audit Events to ClickHouse Cloud | TBD |
FY26Q3 |
Engineering |
8 | Framework change history | TBD |
FY26Q2 |
Product |
9 | Scaling Compliance testing | TBD |
FY26Q2 |
Engineering |
10 | Standardise compliance group features components | TBD |
FY26Q3 |
Engineering |
11 | Framework Review Date | TBD |
FY26Q3 |
Product |
12 | Custom compliance frameworks improvements | TBD |
ongoing |
Product |
Priority | Name | DRI | Target release | Division |
1 | Compliance remediation workflow | TBD |
FY26Q4 |
Product |
2 | Continuous Compliance Dashboard | TBD |
FY26Q4 |
Product |
3 | Increase test coverage for Compliance features | TBD |
FY26Q3 |
Engineering |
4 | Internal custom controls | TBD |
FY26Q4 |
Product |
5 | Audit Event data retention settings | TBD |
FY26Q4 |
Engineering |
6 | Compliance Center - Group Overview Dashboard Improvements | TBD |
ongoing |
Product |
7 | Explore using OPA to evaluate compliance controls | TBD |
FY26Q4 |
Engineering |
8 | Apply multiple compliance framework labels as default | TBD |
later |
Product |
9 | Ability to create a common compliance framework (CCF) | TBD |
uncategorised |
Product |
Priority | Name | DRI | Target release | Division |
1 | Compliance Pipeline to Security Policy Migration | sam.figueroa |
FY26Q3 |
2 | Compliance UX improvement/bugs track | TBD |
ongoing |
Product |