Today, whatever your business, customer expectations are largely the same: they want a great product and efficient service. The days of annual releases, with a pre-defined feature set bundled onto compact discs and delivered to retailers, are far behind us.

Delivering customer value at the pace required demands a refined software development lifecycle that saves time, effort, and cost wherever possible.

At the core of modern software development is continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery, helping businesses to ship new, working features earlier and more often.

What you'll learn in this eBook:

  • Why CI/CD is a non-negotiable for modern software development
  • How CI/CD fits into your business strategy
  • The benefits of built-in CI/CD
  • How to get started with CI/CD

Download the eBook now to find out how an integrated CI/CD tool can save you time and resources, and streamline your workflow.

Download the eBook

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