Find GitLab on Partner Marketplace

Purchase GitLab through Cloud Marketplaces seamlessly

Purchasing GitLab through cloud marketplaces can:

  • Help consolidate billing
  • Speed up procurement process
  • Better align to budgetary spend towards cloud initiatives
  • Count towards committed spend to public clouds and benefit from associated infrastructure discounts if self hosting GitLab on AWS or Google Cloud
Logo: AWS

Deploy anywhere with everyone.

GitLab is an official AWS Partner and subscriptions can be purchased through the AWS Marketplace via self-service or custom private offers.

Learn more about GitLab and AWS. Your purchase will be integrated AWS billing. AWS currently supports annual billing for yearly subscriptions. To learn how to get started deploying GitLab on AWS, check out our docs on Installing GitLab on AWS.

Logo: Google Cloud

Develop better cloud native applications faster with GitLab and GCP

GitLab is an official GCP Partner and subscriptions can be purchased through the Google Cloud Marketplace via custom private offers.

All GitLab product subscriptions, including GitLab Enterprise Edition and are available for purchase with integrated Google Cloud billing across both Premium and Ultimate GitLab tiers. This means, at the end of each month, GitLab licenses show up as a line item on your Google Cloud bill and can count towards your committed spend on GCP. Google Cloud Marketplace currently supports both monthly and annual billing for yearly subscriptions.

Contact us for a custom quote if you are a new customer, or reach out to add users as needed throughout your cloud adoption journey.

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