Published on March 10, 2016
13 min read
Learn how to set up GitLab CI for your iOS projects.
Note: This blog post was published in 2016. For more current info, check out Tutorial: iOS CI/CD with GitLab from June 2023 and our documentation on GitLab Mobile DevOps. Those both cover fastlane, fastlane match, code signing, signing certificates, provision profiles, App Store Connect, and more.
In this post I'll show you how to set up GitLab CI for your iOS mobile projects, step-by-step, from start to finish.
Continuous integration (CI) is great tool for helping developers be more productive and write higher- quality code. By automatically running a suite of tests every time a commit is pushed, everyone can see the results of changes to the codebase, and take action to make integration faster and easier.
GitLab comes with CI built-in for all projects, for free.
It's beyond the scope of this tutorial to go into details on best practices, workflows, and advantages/disadvantages of CI. In short, however, here's what happens when you enable it for your Xcode project:
configuration file.This post builds on Jeremy White's blog post, going into a little more detail and correcting some steps for the environment described in the next section.
This post will provide a step-by-step guide to setting up GitLab CI for your iOS projects, from start to finish. First, however, we need to make a few assumptions.
GitLab's strategy document hinges on one key idea: everyone can contribute. As such, this post is written for readers of nearly all levels of experience. However, given that CI is a relatively advanced topic, we're going to assume some basic knowledge of how to create Xcode and GitLab projects, as well as some familiarity with Terminal and git.
This post was written with the following development environment in mind:
We'll also assume you've already created a new GitLab project. If you haven't, go ahead and do that now.
We'll start by creating a new single-view iOS project in Xcode.
Give your project a name and make certain that the Include Unit Tests and Include UI Tests options are enabled for the project. Xcode will create a template test class with some sample tests, which we'll use in this post as the test suite that GitLab CI runs to verify a build. Choose a name for your project and click on Next.
Choose where you'll save your iOS project. If you like, let Xcode create the git repository on your Mac.
Once Xcode has created and opened your iOS project, you need to share its scheme. Apple's documentation defines schemes nicely:
A scheme is a collection of settings that specify which targets to build, what build configuration to use, and the executable environment to use when the product specified by the target is launched.
By sharing your scheme, GitLab CI gets context it needs to build and test your project.
To share a scheme in Xcode, choose Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes.
Click on the Close button.
Your Xcode project has been created with two test files; one includes sample unit tests, and the other includes sample UI tests. You can run Product > Test to run these tests, which will build your project, launch the Simulator, install the project on the Simulator device, and run the test suite. You can see the results right in Xcode:
The green checkmarks next to the test functions (both in the file, and in the Test navigator) show that all tests passed. We won't be referring to the Xcode project anymore, so if you like, you can close it.
Next, open Terminal and navigate to the folder you created for your iOS project.
It's convenient to add a standard .gitignore
file. For a Swift project, enter:
$ curl -o .gitignore
For an Objective-C project, enter:
$ curl -o .gitignore
The curl
command conveniently downloads the contents of the page at the given URL into a file named .gitignore
If Xcode initialized the git repository for you, you'll need to set the origin
url to your GitLab project (replacing <username>
with your GitLab username
and <project>
with the project name:
$ git remote add origin<username>/<project>.git
The final step here is to install xcpretty. When Xcode builds and tests your project, xcpretty will transform the output into something more readable for you.
The GitLab Runner is a service that's installed on your Mac, which runs the build and test process that you set up in a configuration file. You can follow the installation instructions for macOS, but we'll need to make some changes to the register the runner step:
$ gitlab-ci-multi-runner register
WARNING: Running in user-mode.
WARNING: The user-mode requires you to manually start builds processing:
WARNING: $ gitlab-runner run
WARNING: Use sudo for system-mode:
WARNING: $ sudo gitlab-runner...
If you're using self-managed GitLab, the coordinator URL will be http(s)://url-of-your-gitlab-instance/ci`.
Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g.
The CI token for your project is available on GitLab's Project Settings page, under Advanced Settings. Each project has a unique token.
Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner:
<CI runner token from Project > Settings > Runner>
The register
process suggests the name of your Mac as a description for the
runner. You can enter something different if you like, or just hit return to
Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner:
Enter whatever tags you'd like to further identify this particular runner. It's
particularly helpful when you need a particular build environment—for example,
iOS 9.2 on Xcode 7.2 on macOS 10.11 could use tags like ios_9-2
, xcode_7-2
and osx_10-11
. This way, we can filter our build stages in GitLab by toolchain,
platform, etc.
Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated):
ios_9-2, xcode_7-2, osx_10-11
The GitLab Runner will register the runner and give it a unique runner
Registering runner... succeeded runner=s8Bgtktb
The GitLab Runner has to run xcodebuild
to build and test the project, so we
select shell
as the executor:
Please enter the executor: virtualbox, ssh, shell, parallels, docker, docker-ssh:
Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running
already the config should be automatically reloaded!
Continue with the rest of the Runner installation instructions (install
), per the documentation.
Go to the Runners page in your Project Settings and voilà:
Your GitLab Runner is recognized and (almost) ready to go!
You can verify this by running
$ gitlab-ci-multi-runner verify
WARNING: Running in user-mode.
WARNING: The user-mode requires you to manually start builds processing:
WARNING: $ gitlab-runner run
WARNING: Use sudo for system-mode:
WARNING: $ sudo gitlab-runner...
Veryfing runner... is alive runner=25c780b3
Note that they have the same ID (in this case, 25c780b3
The last thing to do is to configure the build and test settings. To do so, open your text editor and enter the following:
- build
stage: build
- xcodebuild clean -project ProjectName.xcodeproj -scheme SchemeName | xcpretty
- xcodebuild test -project ProjectName.xcodeproj -scheme SchemeName -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6s,OS=9.2' | xcpretty -s
- ios_9-2
- xcode_7-2
- osx_10-11
Save this file in your Xcode project folder as .gitlab-ci.yml
, and don't forget
the period at the beginning of the file name!
Update: To clarify, the
file should go in the folder you created for your iOS project, which is also typically where your Xcode project file (ProjectName.xcodeproj
) is found. Thanks to commenter Palo for pointing this out!
Let's go through the file with some detail:
available to each job
. For simplicity,
we have one stage (build
) and one job (build_project
. The build_project
job runs
two scripts: one to clean the Xcode project, and then another to build and test
it. You can probably skip the cleaning script to save time, unless you want to be
sure that you're building from a clean state.tags
, add the tags you created when you registered the GitLab Runner.There are also some things to look out for:
with the name of your
Xcode project; if you're using a different scheme than the default, then make
sure you pass in the proper SchemeName
too (the default is the same as the
).xcodebuild test
command, notice the -destination
option is set to
launch an iPhone 6S image running iOS 9.2 in the Simulator; if you want to run a
different device (iPad, for example), you'll need to change this.-project ProjectName.xcodeproj
options to -workspace WorkspaceName.xcworkspace
. There are several options
available to customize your build; run xcodebuild --help
in the Terminal to
explore these further.There's a simple tool for "linting" (i.e., validating) your .gitlab-ci.yml
GitLab. From your GitLab project page, click on CI/CD > Jobs in the sidebar, then in
the upper-right corner, click on CI lint:
Paste the contents of your .gitlab-ci.yml
file into the text box and click on
Validate. You should see something like:
Status: syntax is correct
This won't tell you if your project name or the Simulator chosen is correct, so be sure to double-check these settings.
The .gitlab-ci.yml
file is extremely customizable. You can limit jobs to run
on success or failure, or depending on branches or tags, etc.—read through
the documentation to get a feeling
for just how flexible and powerful it is.
Actually, there's really not much to do here! CI is enabled by default on new projects. If your iOS project has some environment variables you want to keep secret, but you want to keep the project public on GitLab, you may want to disable Public builds in Project Settings, under Continuous Integration. This will hide the build results from everyone except members of the project.
You may also want to go to Runners under your Project Settings and click Disable shared runners, as they're not needed anyhow—we're using a project-specific runner.
We're now ready to trigger a CI build!
To trigger a build, all you have to do is push a commit to GitLab. From the Terminal:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "First commit."
[...commit info...]
$ git push origin master
[...push info...]
If everything worked, and you installed the GitLab Runner on the same machine, you'll notice that Simulator launches, installs your iOS app and launches it, and then goes back to the home screen.
Go to the Builds page of your GitLab project and have a look at the results!
Click on the ✔︎ success button to see the build output:
Here you'll see the output from all the steps you requested in your .gitlab-ci.yml
file. At the bottom of the log, you should see something like:
All tests
Test Suite GitLab-CI-for-iOSTests.xctest started
. testExample (0.001 seconds)
T testPerformanceExample measured (0.000 seconds)
. testPerformanceExample (0.324 seconds)
Executed 2 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.325 (0.328) seconds
All tests
Test Suite GitLab-CI-for-iOSUITests.xctest started
. testExample (3.587 seconds)
Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 3.587 (3.589) seconds
Build succeeded.
Now you can go ahead and start writing tests for your code, and every time you push a commit, GitLab will diligently fetch the project, clean it, and then build and test it. If the build fails, you can take action to fix the commit.
The GitLab Runner includes several convenient commands, which you can list easily:
$ gitlab-ci-multi-runner --help
gitlab-ci-multi-runner - a GitLab Runner
gitlab-ci-multi-runner [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
1.0.4 (014aa8c)
Kamil Trzciński <>
archive find and archive files (internal)
artifacts upload build artifacts (internal)
extract extract files from an archive (internal)
exec execute a build locally
list List all configured runners
run run multi runner service
register register a new runner
install install service
uninstall uninstall service
start start service
stop stop service
restart restart service
status get status of a service
run-single start single runner
unregister unregister specific runner
verify verify all registered runners
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug debug mode [$DEBUG]
--log-level, -l "info" Log level (options: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic)
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
You may want to stop the Runner so that a build isn't immediately triggered by a pushed commit:
$ gitlab-ci-multi-runner stop
$ gitlab-ci-multi-runner status
gitlab-runner: Service is not running.
In this case, any builds pushed will show up as pending and will be triggered as soon as you restart the Runner:
$ gitlab-ci-multi-runner start
$ gitlab-ci-multi-runner status
gitlab-runner: Service is running!
Any pending builds in the queue will then be triggered, launching Simulator and running the test suite normally.
Let's say that, if we commit to the master
branch, we want GitLab CI to not only build and
test the project, but also provide some continuous delivery, where it creates an
application archive, and uploads it to GitLab.
We start by modifying our .gitlab-ci.yml
file to add an archive
stage and an
- build
- archive
stage: build
- xcodebuild clean -project ProjectName.xcodeproj -scheme SchemeName | xcpretty
- xcodebuild test -project ProjectName.xcodeproj -scheme SchemeName -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6s,OS=9.2' | xcpretty -s
- ios_9-2
- xcode_7-2
- osx_10-11
stage: archive
- xcodebuild clean archive -archivePath build/ProjectName -scheme SchemeName
- xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath "build/ProjectName.xcarchive" -exportPath "build/ProjectName.ipa" -exportProvisioningProfile "ProvisioningProfileName"
- master
- build/ProjectName.ipa
- ios_9-2
- xcode_7-2
- osx_10-11
The archive_project
job runs two scripts: the first cleans and archives your
Xcode project, and the second builds an .ipa
file; the only
setting means that
this job will only run when we commit to master. Notice that it also defines
; after the ProjectName.ipa
application archive is created, this
option uploads it to GitLab, where you can later download it from the Build page.
In the archive_project
job's exportArchive
script, make sure you pass in the
correct ProvisioningProfileName
. It's possible that the archive_project
will fail if your developer keys are in the login Keychain, because it's not unlocked
in the script. The simplest way to fix this without putting your password in a
script is to open Keychain Access on your Mac and drag and drop them to the System
Now, when we commit to master, the build will also show us the archive results, along with the option to download or browse our build artifacts!
file.[ci skip]
to your commit message..gitlab-ci.yml
file if you see provisioning errors in your build output.Angelo is a Quality Engineer and Software Developer living in Montreal, Canada. He believes that open, honest, collaboration is the best path towards building great things and great teams.
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