BlogEngineeringTest all the things in GitLab CI with Docker by example

Published on February 5, 2018

2 min read

Test all the things in GitLab CI with Docker by example

Running tests is easier than you think – guest author Gabriel Le Breton shares his presentation about testing everything automatically with GitLab CI/CD.

Do you write tests? Or do you skip them because it’s too complicated to run? Or maybe developers on your team just don’t care? You should take a few minutes and set up CI so you can enforce good practices. Good news, you can test all the things automagically in GitLab CI/CD with Docker and very little effort 🤘

I recently gave a presentation at the SagLacIO about GitLab CI/CD.

Getting started

First, you’ll need an account at If you don’t already have one, you can open an account with no problem. GitLab’s free tier gives you a ton of features, unlimited free hosted repositories, 2,000 CI build minutes per month, etc. You can even use your own task runners in case you bust that limit.

Here go the slides

Scroll through the slides from my presentation on GitLab CI/CD at SagLacIO, you’ll have fun 🤘

If you have suggestions, feel free to poke me or open an issue.

Test all the things in GitLab CI with Docker by example was originally published on

Cover photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash

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