BlogCompanyGitLab Swag Shop is Open!

Published on February 29, 2016

4 min read

GitLab Swag Shop is Open!

We're delighted to announce GitLab Swag Shop is now opened! We're starting with essentials: Some nifty t-shirts and stickers.

We're delighted to announce GitLab Swag Shop is now opened! We're starting with essentials: Some nifty t-shirts and stickers.

Up-to-date information about GitLab Swag can be found in our Field Marketing Handbook.

Follow @GitLab on Twitter to stay tunned for updates and promotions!

We know there's lots of love for GitLab, and we're delighted to hear so many of you want to share your enthusiasm.

Swag Portrait Contest Winners

We ran a contest over the holiday time to get a peek at how people were using their stickers on laptops. Thanks so much for sharing photos!

After looking at the entries, we decided that everyone should win a prize for participating, so all participants will be getting GitLab stickers! Please email us at community@ our domain and verify your ID by @mentioning us and linking to this blog post via twitter.

There's two lucky prize winners who each won a t-shirt. Contact us at community@ our domain name to claim your prize!

Fabio wins for his incredible layering technique! Congrats!

And we also did a random draw, and Vincent won! Congrats!

Also, our GitLab MVPs will be receiving a special present soon.

Swag Portrait contest entries - everyone's a winner!

Looking at these laptops reminds me of seeing skateboards plastered in stickers. It's cool to see how many different communities and projects people are fans of! Thanks so much!

Thanks for playing!

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