
Published on June 3, 2018

3 min read


People are #movingtogitlab. New users can get 75% off on Gold or Ultimate for one year.

With the recent news of Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub, we've seen a trend of #movingtogitlab which now has more than 1,000 tweets.

We're also seeing a massive increase in projects migrating to GitLab.

Projects created in GitLab
GitHub imports to GitLab

Why are people #movingtogitlab?

How to move to GitLab

We've tried to make it as simple as possible to migrate your projects from GitHub to GitLab.

You can read through the documentation or watch the step-by-step video below.

New users get a 75% discount on GitLab's top tier plans

New GitLab users can get 75 percent off GitLab Ultimate or Gold for one year. GitLab Ultimate is our top-tier self-managed offering, and GitLab Gold is our top-tier SaaS offering hosted by To qualify you have to:

  1. Be a new user of GitLab.
  2. Send a tweet that includes #movingtogitlab from your account before Wednesday, June 6, 11:59pm Pacific time.
  3. Send an email to with a link to the tweet.
  4. We will send you a discount code or a quote document that can be executed by you.
  5. You need to place an order at or before Saturday, June 30, 11:59pm Pacific time.

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