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GitLab Critical Patch Release: 17.9.2, 17.8.5, 17.7.7
Learn more about this critical patch release for GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE).

Beautifying our UI: Enhancing GitLab's deployment experience
Go inside our innovative approach to improving our user interface, including pairing product designers and frontend engineers to make usability improvements across the platform.

Build a new website in a few easy steps with GitLab Pages
This tutorial shows you how to create and host your personal website using GitLab Pages with a ready-to-use template that you can customize in minutes.

Build and run containers in Remote Development workspaces
Use this easy-to-follow tutorial to create a secure, ephemeral, reproducible development environment in GitLab that can replace your local environments.

Create a workspace quickly with the GitLab default devfile
The GitLab default devfile makes it easier than ever to try out workspaces for new projects. Learn how to share developer environment configurations effortlessly with this tutorial.

GitLab Patch Release: 17.9.1, 17.8.4, 17.7.6
Learn more about this release for GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE).

GitLab 17.9 released
Includes GitLab Duo Self-Hosted available in GA, the ability to run multiple GitLab Pages sites with parallel deployments, automatic deletion of older pipelines, and more!
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