Browse articles that include the open source tag

What's new in Git 2.49.0?
Learn about the latest version of Git, including improved performance thanks to zlib-ng, a new name-hashing algorithm, and git-backfill(1).

Introducing GitLab’s Open Source Security Hub
Our open source repository of projects designed to enhance security operations and risk management will help developers adapt faster, respond smarter, and defend better — together.

How to use OCI images as the source of truth for continuous delivery
Discover the benefits of using Open Container Initiative images as part of GitOps workflows and the many features GitLab offers to simplify deployments to Kubernetes.

The Co-Create Program: How customers are collaborating to build GitLab
Learn how organizations like Thales, Scania, and Kitware are partnering with GitLab engineers to contribute meaningful features that benefit the entire community.

What’s new in Git 2.48.0?
Learn about the latest version of Git, including a new build system and optimization in the new reftable backend. Discover contributions from GitLab's Git team and the Git community.

Git command line on Windows with Git Bash
Learn about Git Bash, how it works, how to install it, and the main commands you need to know.

Ask a hacker: A conversation with ahacker1
Alexander Siyou Tan, also known as ahacker1, joined us for an AMA to discuss how he got into hacking and some of his best bug bounty hunting strategies.
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