BlogCompanyGitLab now operating as US corporation

Published on July 1, 2015

1 min read

GitLab now operating as US corporation

Today we will begin operating as GitLab, Inc. Read more about this here!

As an organization, GitLab is fully distributed where employees are free to work from wherever they feel most productive. Likewise, our customers hail from all corners of the globe but mostly North America. So today we will begin operating as GitLab, Inc.

GitLab was started in the Ukraine by Dmitriy Zaporozhets, who serves as the company's CTO. Together with Sytse Sijbrandij (CEO) they founded a Dutch company (GitLab B.V.) to maintain the open source project and provide related goods and services.

As the company grew, it made sense to have a presence close to Silicon Valley so the company opened an Experience Center in San Francisco where employees can work from if they choose.

However, operating as a Dutch corporation posed some obstacles for certain customers and since the majority of them are headquartered in North America it was decided to incorporate in the US and begin trading as GitLab, Inc.

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