Julian Thome

Julian Thome

Introducing GitLab Advanced Vulnerability Tracking
Learn how this security feature improves the efficiency of vulnerability management by reducing futile auditing time (includes data from a new study).
Open Source

A Google Summer of Code project: creating a benchmarking framework for SAST
Our 2022 Google Summer of Code project helped to create a benchmarking framework for SAST.
Open Source

Lingo: A Go micro language framework for building Domain Specific Languages
Design, build and integrate your own Domain Specific Language with Lingo.

Introducing a community-driven advisory database for third-party software dependencies
The advisory data can be readily adopted, adapted, and exchanged. Learn more here.

How to tailor SAST and Secret Detection to your application context with custom rulesets
How you can use GitLab custom rulesets to customize security scanners to your needs.
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