Browse articles that include the production tag

Why and how we rearchitected Git object database maintenance for scale
Go in-depth into improvements to maintenance of the Git object database for reduced overhead and increased efficiency.

Future-proofing Git repository maintenance
Learn how we revamped our architecture for faster iteration and more efficiently maintained repositories.

New to DevOps? Take our DevOps for beginners quiz
We asked nearly 1400 DevOps beginners about their priorities and challenges for 2022. See how you compare, and take our short DevOps for beginners quiz.

Why we implemented our own SSHD solution
Until recently we used OpenSSH Server to handle SSH connections to provide SSH-related features, but we ultimately decided to implement our own SSHD solution. Learn more!

How we improved on-call life by reducing pager noise
Too many pages? Here's how we tackled on-call SRE quality of life by grouping alerts by service and only paging on downstream services.

DevOps in Education 2021 Survey results
DevOps and GitLab are helping transform higher education. Here's what we learned. is moving to 15.0 with a few breaking changes
These are the features that will be removed in GitLab 15.0.
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