Product categories
Continuous Delivery
Deliver your changes to production with zero-touch software delivery; focus on building great software and allow GitLab CD to bring your release through your path to production for you.
Use any static site generator to create websites that are easily managed and deployed by GitLab.
Advanced Deployments
Mitigate the risk of production deploys by deploying new production code to a small subset of your fleet and then incrementally adding more.
Feature Flags
Feature flags enable teams to achieve CD by letting them deploy dark features to production as smaller batches for controlled testing, separating feature delivery from customer launch, and removing risk from delivery.
Release Evidence
Release Evidence includes all the assurances and evidence collection that are necessary for you to trust the changes you're delivering.
Release Orchestration
Management and orchestration of releases-as-code built on intelligent notifications, scheduling of delivery and shared resources, blackout periods, relationships, parallelization, and sequencing, as well as support for integrating manual processes and interventions.
Environment Management
Enable organizations to operate and manage multiple environments directly from GitLab. Environments are encapsulated in GitLab as a target system with associated configurations. By facilitating access control, visualizing deployments and deployment history across teams and projects, adding the ability to query environments, and ensuring that environment's configurations are traceable, platform engineers can enact stronger controls and avoid costly mistakes in deployments.
Learn more about our roadmap for upcoming features on our Direction page.